Another Option In Williamsburg To Watch Nycfc The Games...


Seasoned Supporter
Dec 7, 2014
Hey guys, I know a lot of you have already decided on what bars you'll be watching the games at (or at least the first one) but I just wanted to let you know we're be throwing a huge party at my bar The Whiskey Annex in Williamsburg. We've got big HD screens all around the room including an 80inch beast front and center with full sound and a giant fucking bell we'll be ringing the shit out of with every goal. We will also be doing free shots with every NYCFC goal as well. Me and my partner who help me put this together are both fans since day one and season ticket holders and we're just looking for some fellow supporters to party with. Anyways hope you can join us and if you already have plans just promise me you will drive the neighbors freaking crazy with beautiful screams of NYCFC passion where ever you are!


Below are photos of the bar.
The empty bar photos were taken when we first open about 2 years ago. Some things are different. The big TV on the back wall opposite of the front door is bigger now, takes up almost that whole wall and there's now tall narrow island tables running down the middle of the floor with stools so its actually not that wide open and there's plenty of seating room. If it gets real crowded we sometimes remove the stools.
The room is designed so that no matter where you are there's never an obstructed view from a TV.

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