Stranger Things Discussion With Spoilers


Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
Jul 16, 2014
Queens, NY
Just in case anybody was confused by the title, I will start the actual discussion in Post Number Two.

If you have not finished Stranger Things do not read further. There are spoilers ahead and they won't be hidden by the spoiler tag because the whole thread is spoilers.
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I just finished the series last night, and I loved it as much as everyone else. But,

Was anybody else left feeling a little let down by the final episode? I’m not completely sure what it was, but I was not as satisfied as I expected to be, and I’m far from certain what caused it. Here are my potential reasons why:

· Episode 7 was so amazing anything that followed was destined to be a let down
· The story stayed so true to its sources and tropes that I was never surprised; I didn’t necessarily predict everything perfectly, but I did get a lot right and when I was off, it was still an expected alternative
· I thought Barbara deserved a little more by way of grief and remembrance
· It’s possible I really wanted the super-happy ending where El is adopted by Hopper

They certainly got a lot right. Nancy back with Steve but friends with Jonathan; all the human bad men gone but the supernatural evil still lurking; Lucas reuniting with the gang and bravely facing the monster with the slingshot; Dustin being right about everything; Mom Byers telling Matthew Modine to go to hell but Hopper making a deal to save her kid (which again proved Dustin right – Lando Calrissian).

Just lots and lots of right notes, yet when it was over I felt it could have been better. Anyway, wondering if anyone else had the same sense. I love the show, and recommend it unreservedly. I just wanted something else/more/different from the ending and I’m not sure what it was. It’s hard to find anything but complete gushing about the show.