What Is That Statement About?

Eh honestly it's true. Lets break it down real quick.
They're comprised of a lot of forum members. Members that have been here for a long time and contributed.
So, they started the HoO group and reached out to me. Wanted to keep private. Which we do for anyone who is interested in a home where they can keep their SG discussions private.
They make a thread regarding their group and statement and so on. No issues. Thread has great discussion and input from other members and so on. Then a Member of another SG leaks their 'private' membership form (which you have to ask for) and shit hits the fan.
Let's look at that again. A member of another SG leaks their private membership application. HoO takes the punches and continues to do their own thing. Doesn't call anyone out for intruding on something they're doing away from everyone else.
Then this fiasco happens. No proof, just random people joining and talking shit.
Don't want this forum being used to spread misinformation.
The reason I would defend HoO is from every interaction I've had with them on this forum and in person, with some of their members who came to our party, I don't see them as a group that would behave in a way to put themselves at risk for being kicked out of the stadium for good.
And looking back at all the shit they received for no reason at all (within supporters and nationally) Theyve continued to just mind their own business, grow their group and support the club.