AY Caramba !!!


Seasoned Supporter
For the past 2 weeks been pondering where to post this. Finalmente, I felt it deserved a thread of its own. Everyone is welcomed to use this thread for any Ay Caramba moment in your life.

On the last home game of 7/30, After attending the Meet and Greet or Send Off (Not sure what it's called) after being there for over 2 hours, we were thirsty (an excuse to have a drink ;)) , wet from the drenching rain and elated with the win ( Lampard's hattrick). And needed the bathroom too. We headed to Hard Rock Cafe and to our chagrin it was closed We looked around and realized everything around YS closes after a game is over.
We headed to The Dugout. The huge bouncer blocked our entry telling us it was closed too. My friend Fab. used his persuasive charm and thank fully Rox , came out and we were allowed to go in. As I rushed to the littlle girl's room, A lady stops me and asks me if I am Tabasco Diva, I politely say yes. She tells me she knows me and mention our most esteemed member Midas Mulligan. In the dim light I look at her and as she tells me that she knows me, and a wonderful memory comes to me as she mentions the "Unveiling " event back on 2014. She is the first friend I made at an NYCFC event!!!
We hugged each other.

For the past year we both been remembering each other but we never told each other our names.
It was a sunny frigid November day in I attended the "Unveiling" . I was nervous because never been a STH and had some misgivings of going all by myself to huge stadium since
I had only been to 2 futbol games in my life in Mass. All my viewing soccer experience came from watching on TV and being a "coach" potato on couch.:rolleyes:
I recalled the place was crowded and as I tried to get close to the stage , this nice lady came to my assistance and opened a safe space for me. She helped me to remove my coat . We chatted for a bit and in my enthusiasm to see in real life my favorite footballer David, even at a distance, I never introduced myself. At the end I turned around my new friend was gone.
I thought it would be easy to find her as the season started but in a huge stadium with so many entrances we never bumped into each other until this rainy day at The Dug Out.

She is leilanikali420 !!!!! our most popular forum galpal on the forum.
Welcome and love you Lei.
AYYYY CARAMBA ...All this time we been in each other face in this forum. :):):)

We are planning to hang out at her fav. spot The Dugout. Anyone wishing to join us , We will keep you posted
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TabascoDiva I was so excited excited to find out that YOU are TabascoDiva! Very small world. I remember sneaking out of the office to attend the unveiling, so I was in a hurry to get back to work. I also recall how excited you were to see David Villa and felt comfortable leaving you in his company once the crowd settled in. I just honestly wanted to make sure that you had a great time and an excellent view - as a 4'11' (and 3/4s:wink:) lady I always like to try to secure a decent front row view. We should definitely do another Forums get together after a match. Who knows, maybe more of us have actually met before and didn't know that we had already been acquainted on the Forums.
For the past 2 weeks been pondering where to post this. Finalmente, I felt it deserved a thread of its own. Everyone is welcomed to use this thread for any Ay Caramba moment in your life.

On the last home game of 7/30, After attending the Meet and Greet or Send Off (Not sure what it's called) after being there for over 2 hours, we were thirsty (an excuse to have a drink ;)) , wet from the drenching rain and elated with the win ( Lampard's hattrick). And needed the bathroom too. We headed to Hard Rock Cafe and to our chagrin it was closed We looked around and realized everything around YS closes after a game is over.
We headed to The Dugout. The huge bouncer blocked our entry telling us it was closed too. My friend Fab. used his persuasive charm and thank fully Rox , came out and we were allowed to go in. As I rushed to the littlle girl's room, A lady stops me and asks me if I am Tabasco Diva, I politely say yes. She tells me she knows me and mention our most esteemed member Midas Mulligan. In the dim light I look at her and as she tells me that she knows me, and a wonderful memory comes to me as she mentions the "Unveiling " event back on 2014. She is the first friend I made at an NYCFC event!!!
We hugged each other.

For the past year we both been remembering each other but we never told each other our names.
It was a sunny frigid November day in I attended the "Unveiling" . I was nervous because never been a STH and had some misgivings of going all by myself to huge stadium since
I had only been to 2 futbol games in my life in Mass. All my viewing soccer experience came from watching on TV and being a "coach" potato on couch.:rolleyes:
I recalled the place was crowded and as I tried to get close to the stage , this nice lady came to my assistance and opened a safe space for me. She helped me to remove my coat . We chatted for a bit and in my enthusiasm to see in real life my favorite footballer David, even at a distance, I never introduced myself. At the end I turned around my new friend was gone.
I thought it would be easy to find her as the season started but in a huge stadium with so many entrances we never bumped into each other until this rainy day at The Dug Out.

She is leilanikali420 !!!!! our most popular forum galpal on the forum.
Welcome and love you Lei.
AYYYY CARAMBA ...All this time we been in each other face in this forum. :):):)

We are planning to hang out at her fav. spot The Dugout. Anyone wishing to join us , We will keep you posted
When you mentioned a female who said she knew me, I got lots of anxiety. I was single here for a long time. Could have gone much worse for me.