What are the top places you guys have ever been to?
San Francisco and London are two cities I loved and if I could afford to, I'd move to either. San Diego was nice, but as a native Noo Yawka, that whole surfer dude persona became grating after awhile.
Moscow was a perfect fit for the old cliche: A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Hated Los Angeles with a passion.
Wow. Could use some focus. So far everyone has recommended cities. I'll add some variety, after adding a city of my own: Montreal, our opponent this week. A long drive or short flight from NYC, it is the closest city where English is not the first language. Some of the old town areas have a European feel, and I think you can get even more of that if you do a side trip to Quebec City.What are the top places you guys have ever been to?
Those are some great pictures!Putting these in a spoiler, because of size:
Putting these in a spoiler, because of size: