City vs. United (DC Version)... U Pick!

Gotham Gator

Pick the score, the goalscorers and their order, and the POTM (Pigeon of the Match). The contestant picking the correct result (win, lose, draw) and coming closest to the actual score wins a Mug of Ale from me should we ever meet and his/her name permanently enshrined in the Hall of Victory!

Good Luck!

Tiebreakers, in order:
(1) correct result (win, lose, draw)*
(2) closest to the actual score
(3) correctly naming the most goalscorers
(4) correct goalscoring order (by team)
* - a player cannot win by picking a win if the result is a loss (and vice versa)

GIF of the Game!

2018 Hall of Victory!
ORL - Jon
Rooney’s Dirty Dozen (minus one) 4
Dome’s Titanic 1

Rooney 2
Brilliant 1
Acosta 1
Mitrita 1
Zero confidence in Domé's game planning and lack of a strike. Looks like this is going to be the theme of the 2019 season.

Yup those are the talking points, but it looks like a third are in your camp, a third are optimistic (or are at least counting on home advantage), and a third are splitting the difference. Maybe we were this divided last fall too, I'd have to go back and check.

Hard to know what to expect. I'll go NYC 2-0 DC, Mitri and Taty.