Facey And Angelino Gone

Thank you both!
To me the real loss would be Angelino. The kid can become a very good player at the top level. Facey to me was hit and miss. I think he was a big part of our CB issues we were having. Way to many times he lost his man in transition which led to easy goals in the box. He is young, he will learn, and hopefully grow.

Assuming both leave that is. Would like both back make no mistake.
I think he means they are both gone back to England since the loans are over. Nothing has been decided as to their future with the team as far as I know. I'd bet Angelino will not be back though, since he didn;t play in the past few games. Kreis wants to build the team around Wingert you know.

Wouldn't be surprised if Facey is gone too.

The players HAVE to hate playing for Kreis. He is a dick, a bully, and he doesn't get results, that's a bad combo.
I think they'd both probably prefer to stay in England. At their age the ambition can't be settling in at NYCFC. I'm sure if you asked either of them the goal is still to make the starting XI at Man City, or some other big club in Europe.

If they end up staying put in Manchester (and I suspect Angelino will at least), there could be one or two new young players coming to New York next year. One benefit of being part of CFG - there are many more Facey's and Angelino's to come.
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I don't think anything has been announced yet.
Not yet but with the players having two weeks off anyways I'm sure MCFC want to see how they progressed to see if there's a spot for them on the roster before making a decision to loan back or keep.
I'll take a Nacho for an Angelino, and keep a Facey. Or a young player like Nacho who is not yet getting first team action like he now is, who can be Villa's Cyle Larin-like strike partner. They were willing to loan us one of their best prospects in Angelino, it was just the wrong fit position-wise. Let's have the front-line equivalent.
It doesn't make sense to me, but I guess they know better than I do (well, the reality is everybody knows more than I do, but I digress).

I'm of the mind that it's more beneficial for a young player to start 30 or so games for NYCFC than to be loaned out to a Championship side and ride the bench for Nottingham Forest or the like. That's why I was certain one or both would be back in 2016.
Let's see what happens. It depends upon whether MC feels the players gained and grew from their time with NYCFC and whether they still need further growth (I think both do). Even if these two don't come back, it's not like the cupboard is bare in Manchester.

I'm of the mind that it's more beneficial for a young player to start 30 or so games for NYCFC than to be loaned out to a Championship side and ride the bench for Nottingham Forest or the like. That's why I was certain one or both would be back in 2016.

I generally agree with you, but if they aren't going to get minutes for Nottingham Forest, they won't for us either.
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it begins.....well if thanks for everything, and my fears are starting to mount that defensively we may be worse next year. i felt there was a better shot to keep facey than angelino, since angelino was highly thought off from what i read when he was coming here.

i guess good as gone is angelino as well.
Angelino might already be out of the country he's leaving so fast to get away from Kreis
So with Facey gone now NYCFC has exactly zero MLS quality CBs. (And Facey was MLS serviceable, but he made way too many brainfarts - see exhibit A, last Sunday).

No way they can go in next year with Hernandez and Lord Kwame as their starting CBs. That Mix Diskerud might get you a nice top CB, just saying...
You don't get better getting rid of one of the handful of MLS-level players we have.
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I may be being too optimistic, but until there's an announcement from the club (or MCFC, or CFG, or whatever), I'm taking this more as the 2015 loan ending and them going home than a comment on 2016. Wouldn't it give MCFC more flexibility to not have them locked into NYCFC during the winter?

Still predicting we keep Shay and lose Angelino.
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I may be being too optimistic, but until there's an announcement from the club (or MCFC, or CFG, or whatever), I'm taking this more as the 2015 loan ending and them going home than a comment on 2016. Wouldn't it give MCFC more flexibility to not have them locked into NYCFC during the winter?

Still predicting we keep Shay and lose Angelino.
Angelino is gone I image he's pissed about his lack of playing time late in the season. I do think it is possible to get Shay back however. I assume they'll take some time off then return to the EDS. It's possible he comes back in January after talking to his agent and family, there is plenty of time until then.
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