Jovan Mijatović [Forward]

Has Jovan even scored for the Squabs?

I'll confess part of my preference at this point is a lack of patience for CFG, Lee, and the trio of failure who was supposed to replace Taty. It's been 2 years now. Two years, and their first 3 options to replace Castellanos - Talles, Bakrar, and Jovan - have scored 10 goals combined going back to summer 2022, and I'm not even sure all of Magno's goals came at CF.
Two years 3 players 10 goals.

They waited a year for Bakrar, and it's been nearly a year since he arrived, and he has contributed 4 MLS goals. So they add a second striker in the winter, and he's a petulant man child with mystery visa issues who has looked happiest during his midseason vacation back home. And he doesn't score. Maybe he will, but given Bakrar's failure we needed scoring now.

And then there's the little Tico who could. He comes in, acts like he wants to be here, gets surprisingly little playing time at first, and even now not so much, but is currently second on the roster for goals scored with just 30% of the minutes of the guy ahead of him. He has scored in 4 different games - also second to Rodriguez - with only 12 games played and averaging only 40 minutes each appearance. Maybe he won't scale. But let's not just assume he won't.
It’s hard not to be mad at cfg over this . There’s no way it would be an issue for us financially or scouting wise to bring in a solid established scorer from somewhere but that doesn’t fit their sell on model .
I've lost patience with both him and Bakrar, but still rooting for both.

I've completely lost patience with David Lee, not a single one of his multi-million dollar transfer signings is currently an impact player for this roster. Magno, Ojeda, Fernandez, Mijatović, Bakrar....

He gets credit for Wolf and Martinez so he's at least getting some of the supporting role-player signings right but those guys should be complementary to the big-money signings not completely outplaying all of them.
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Has Jovan even scored for the Squabs?

I'll confess part of my preference at this point is a lack of patience for CFG, Lee, and the trio of failure who was supposed to replace Taty. It's been 2 years now. Two years, and their first 3 options to replace Castellanos - Talles, Bakrar, and Jovan - have scored 10 goals combined going back to summer 2022, and I'm not even sure all of Magno's goals came at CF.
Two years 3 players 10 goals.

They waited a year for Bakrar, and it's been nearly a year since he arrived, and he has contributed 4 MLS goals. So they add a second striker in the winter, and he's a petulant man child with mystery visa issues who has looked happiest during his midseason vacation back home. And he doesn't score. Maybe he will, but given Bakrar's failure we needed scoring now.

And then there's the little Tico who could. He comes in, acts like he wants to be here, gets surprisingly little playing time at first, and even now not so much, but is currently second on the roster for goals scored with just 30% of the minutes of the guy ahead of him. He has scored in 4 different games - also second to Rodriguez - with only 12 games played and averaging only 40 minutes each appearance. Maybe he won't scale. But let's not just assume he won't.
He was invisible in the two cup matches I watched. I don't know if he has gotten other minutes with them.

There's no positive argument for giving him playing time that's based on anything he's shown since arriving. There's "we paid $8M so he must be good," and there's wishcasting about his supposed attributes and/or youtube highlights.

There's a possible negative argument for giving him playing time that the other options are all worse, especially for those that don't rate Martinez's goals for whatever reason.
It takes time for players to adjust to MLS, especially young players.

Listen I completely understand the desire to be good immediately, but David Lee is building something sustainable. Ojeda has been pretty good, not sure I agree that he hasn't had an impact. I expect Mijatovic to improve with time -- he's 18 years old halfway across the world. Give him time. I really think we need to have some patience with these guys. They're too skilled not to cash in at some point. I strongly believe this is being built so that next year is our year to be a top team in the league. Whatever happens this year -- and so far so good -- is gravy.
Mijatovic wasn't singled out by perhaps the best scouting organization in soccer and chased by other big clubs because he has no ability. He certainly is going through a tough phase adjusting to MLS. The way to get the most out of him is to give him experience. He isn't going to blossom sitting on the bench. That doesn't mean we need to start him, but we do need to play him.
Mijatovic wasn't singled out by perhaps the best scouting organization in soccer and chased by other big clubs because he has no ability. He certainly is going through a tough phase adjusting to MLS. The way to get the most out of him is to give him experience. He isn't going to blossom sitting on the bench. That doesn't mean we need to start him, but we do need to play him.

i don't think anybody is saying don't play him. but at a time when we need some results, do we want to rely a kid who needs to get used to the league? or a guy who making the most of his minutes? Bring him on as a sub for 30 mins or, as I said before, we have a II squad and they can stick Jovan there to get match fitness, sharpness, and get used to league. The II squad also plays a very similar style to us, which will allow him to acclimate in that manner too. The couple matches I watched him play with the II though, he didn't seem to play like a guy who wants to dominate. He was pretty stagnant and didn't run his ass off. Sure, that part of his game can and should improve. Our style of play has no place for a #9 who doesn't want to run and start the press.
All these arguments, on both sides, have some validity, and for good reason: we don't really know what we have yet. It's too early in the development curve for the young guys. Five months just isn't enough time to get a truly accurate read on their potential level. All we can know right now is where their level is at the moment, based on limited information.

Which brings up a point. The data are information, not The Facts. They can tell us what happened, but just as important are the when and why, not to mention the how. They can only tell us the past, something about the present and very little about the future. They must be viewed in context, with the understanding no one can predict what will happen; we can only project based on current information.

Those projections don't look great for Jovan right now. He hasn't scored. Extend the trend line and it's, well, flat.

But the only way we can truly find out if he can score consistently is to give him the chance to do it. And I can say from personal experience, being a muscular athlete myself, dudes with a package need run. They need to sweat and battle and get into the fight. Every game I ever played in every sport (and I played them all), I always started slow. By the last quarter to the third of every game, I was stronger than anyone around.

We won late a lot. 😉

Now, I understand the impulse to send Jovan to the Deuce to get his minutes. From a certain perspective, it makes sense. But personally, I don't think he's going to grow fast enough being the big kid with the little kids. (No offense to our Deuce, and I'm making a bit of a joke, but sometimes it looks perilously close to a high school team out there, at least in terms of the age profile.) He needs to be the little kid fighting for a place with the big kids.

And we have to do something. I had us with four points in my book over the last three games -- a draw with the Crew, a loss in LA and a win in Nashville. We got none. I had us down for five or six goals. We got two, and now our GD is lagging in a conference where we are definitely going to be in a dogfight for favorable seeding, if not for a playoff spot at all.

By no means is it a disaster. Every team has ups and downs in MLS. It's a parity league. But to me, that means the margins are even finer than in other circuits.

I get the argument which holds those fine margins mean going with whomever has the hot hand on the stat sheet. I just happen to believe it's more important to win the war than any particular battle. I take the long view. July is going to be a bitch, and so is September, when things are going to get really serious. Then, if we're good enough, we're going to be in a heck of a playoff scrum. We need to push the young guys into the deep end of the pool now if we're going to be all we can be by then.

If I'm in Nick's shoes, I put my hands on Jovan's shoulders and tell him, "Okay, here's your chance. You're ready. Don't worry, don't think about anything but giving it your best and go get 'em. I believe in you. Here's your chance to be a Lion tamer." (Yuk yuk yuk.)

Speaking of Orlando, I have some thoughts about that, but I'll save them for the match thread. In the meantime, I love the conversation. Everyone loves our team, and everyone has some great points. Being a member of this Forum is one of my great pleasures, so let me just say thank you.
All these arguments, on both sides, have some validity, and for good reason: we don't really know what we have yet. It's too early in the development curve for the young guys. Five months just isn't enough time to get a truly accurate read on their potential level. All we can know right now is where their level is at the moment, based on limited information.

Which brings up a point. The data are information, not The Facts. They can tell us what happened, but just as important are the when and why, not to mention the how. They can only tell us the past, something about the present and very little about the future. They must be viewed in context, with the understanding no one can predict what will happen; we can only project based on current information.

Those projections don't look great for Jovan right now. He hasn't scored. Extend the trend line and it's, well, flat.

But the only way we can truly find out if he can score consistently is to give him the chance to do it. And I can say from personal experience, being a muscular athlete myself, dudes with a package need run. They need to sweat and battle and get into the fight. Every game I ever played in every sport (and I played them all), I always started slow. By the last quarter to the third of every game, I was stronger than anyone around.

We won late a lot. 😉

Now, I understand the impulse to send Jovan to the Deuce to get his minutes. From a certain perspective, it makes sense. But personally, I don't think he's going to grow fast enough being the big kid with the little kids. (No offense to our Deuce, and I'm making a bit of a joke, but sometimes it looks perilously close to a high school team out there, at least in terms of the age profile.) He needs to be the little kid fighting for a place with the big kids.

And we have to do something. I had us with four points in my book over the last three games -- a draw with the Crew, a loss in LA and a win in Nashville. We got none. I had us down for five or six goals. We got two, and now our GD is lagging in a conference where we are definitely going to be in a dogfight for favorable seeding, if not for a playoff spot at all.

By no means is it a disaster. Every team has ups and downs in MLS. It's a parity league. But to me, that means the margins are even finer than in other circuits.

I get the argument which holds those fine margins mean going with whomever has the hot hand on the stat sheet. I just happen to believe it's more important to win the war than any particular battle. I take the long view. July is going to be a bitch, and so is September, when things are going to get really serious. Then, if we're good enough, we're going to be in a heck of a playoff scrum. We need to push the young guys into the deep end of the pool now if we're going to be all we can be by then.

If I'm in Nick's shoes, I put my hands on Jovan's shoulders and tell him, "Okay, here's your chance. You're ready. Don't worry, don't think about anything but giving it your best and go get 'em. I believe in you. Here's your chance to be a Lion tamer." (Yuk yuk yuk.)

Speaking of Orlando, I have some thoughts about that, but I'll save them for the match thread. In the meantime, I love the conversation. Everyone loves our team, and everyone has some great points. Being a member of this Forum is one of my great pleasures, so let me just say thank you.

If he plays with the "little kids" and still can't dominate, what makes you think he's gonna grow faster against bigger, faster, and better players?

There is the argument of improving by playing "up" which happens often in soccer for youth programs but those are kids who have shown they have skills beyond their level. Jovan hasn't shown anything. If he's crushing with the deuce then by all means he needs more playing time.

Anyway, it's up to Nick at the end of the day. Jovan needs to show he deserves his minutes in training.. things we don't get to see.
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