Lampard officially injured...

If Mix does not even make the 18 over the next couple matches it will be crazy, especially if we drop points with people like Mikey, Mehdi and Stiven stumbling over the ball.
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I just think this needs to be said:

Good job to the club for being transparent about this injury. They got into all their Lampard trouble because of a lack of transparency -- even this season when he was originally hurt. So, full marks to the team for learning their lesson from prior mistakes and getting out ahead of the story. And, from a fan's point of view, I appreciate the honesty about the injury and timetable. I think it's important for fans to be given news updates like this, especially when it's about a top player.
I just think this needs to be said:

Good job to the club for being transparent about this injury. They got into all their Lampard trouble because of a lack of transparency -- even this season when he was originally hurt. So, full marks to the team for learning their lesson from prior mistakes and getting out ahead of the story. And, from a fan's point of view, I appreciate the honesty about the injury and timetable. I think it's important for fans to be given news updates like this, especially when it's about a top player.

Where's the X-Ray? Why haven't they posted the X-Ray on Instagram? Why isn't the MRI on a vine?
I feel like our NYCFC season is going to go down just like my fantasy baseball team. 10 team league with friends from high school, games are weekly, head to head. I had the fourth highest points and the lowest points against so I snuck into 1st place with the regular season. Then deGrom (Mets) got injured and Carrasco (Indians) got hurt (and also struck with a line drive on his second pitch) so I lost in the 1st round of the playoffs (also the semifinals). I also didn't start Lester (Cubs) who had a 40.6 point pitching game (very, very good).

So what have we learned? Star players getting hurt hurts playoff runs. Start your quality players and don't leave them on the bench...cough, Mix, cough, cough
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I feel like our NYCFC is going to go down just like my fantasy baseball team. 10 team league with friends from high school, games are weekly, head to head. I had the fourth highest points and the lowest points against so I snuck into 1st place with the regular season. Then deGrom (Mets) got injured and Carrasco (Indians) got hurt (and also struck with a line drive on his second pitch) so I lost in the 1st round of the playoffs (also the semifinals). I also didn't start Lester (Cubs) who had a 40.6 point pitching game (very, very good).

So what have we learned? Star players getting hurt hurts playoff runs. Start your quality players and don't leave them on the bench...cough, Mix, cough, cough
Mix plays baseball?
Fuck our collective lives. Villa needs to crawl out of the hole he's been hiding in if we want to have any chance of getting out of the knockouts.
I just think this needs to be said:

Good job to the club for being transparent about this injury. They got into all their Lampard trouble because of a lack of transparency -- even this season when he was originally hurt. So, full marks to the team for learning their lesson from prior mistakes and getting out ahead of the story. And, from a fan's point of view, I appreciate the honesty about the injury and timetable. I think it's important for fans to be given news updates like this, especially when it's about a top player.

We shall see.

Hopefully, the 3-4 weeks is real and we are not venturing back into Ulysses Everett McGill territory.
By the way, if the 3-4 weeks is accurate, he will miss 2 games and be back for our last 2. This is because the 3rd week we are off for international break and the 4th week is the DCU game on Sunday, October 16.
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He may be back in 3-4 weeks, but he'll be back a bit more out of shape; no amount of time on the stationary bike will keep him in game shape.
I'd be shocked if we see him on the pitch again
Hoping for the best, but if that was the same muscle, I'm betting he's done for the year. Saw this coming back when Lampard was played every game in a row especially during the 3 games in a week + heat wave. That was the beginning of the team's slide in performance, with fatigue that they couldn't seem to shake - not a coincidence with the heat damage.
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Hoping for the best, but if that was the same muscle, I'm betting he's done for the year. Saw this coming back when Lampard was played every game in a row especially during the 3 games in a week + heat wave. That was the beginning of the team's slide in performance, with fatigue that they couldn't seem to shake - not a coincidence with the heat damage.

hoping for the best as well, history is not on our side in this one