New York at New Jersey... U Pick!

Gotham Gator

This is our Pick 'em Thread. Pick the following.
  • score
  • the goalscorers, in order
  • the POTM (Pigeon of the Match)
The contestant picking the correct result (win, lose, draw) and coming closest to the actual score wins a Mug of Ale from me should we ever meet and his/her name permanently enshrined in the Hall of Victory!

Good Luck!

Tiebreakers, in order...
(1) correct result (win, lose, draw)*
(2) closest to the actual score
(3) correctly naming the most goalscorers
(4) correct goalscoring order (by team)
* - a player cannot win by picking a win if the result is a loss (and vice versa)

Image of the Game


Hall of Victory!
CLT - Joe_Cos
STL - @
POR - @
TOR - @RRunningWise
MIA - Gotham Gator & ZYanksRule
ATL - Kenny & 413Blue
NER - Gene
DCU - ZYanksRule
CLT - Kenny
COL - No winner
TOR - mgarbowski
PHI - ZYanksRule
NJR - mgarbowski
NER - ZYanksRule; Kenny; Gotham Gator
SJE - Cohibax
NSH - Gene
ORL - mgarbowski
MTL - Seth & CCMore
CHI - Gotham Gator
ATL - Kenny
ORL - Gene
QUE - Gene
CIN - Gene & ZYanksRule
NER - Gene
TIG - Gotham Gator
CLB - CCMore
CHI - Kenny
CLB - Kenny
DCU - Gene
PHI - Gotham Gator
MIA - canchon


has there ever been an official HRD trophy ceremony? i think i saw a pic of sands with the trophy, but don't recall ever seeing a video of any trophy awarding ceremony (if there is one).


has there ever been an official HRD trophy ceremony? i think i saw a pic of sands with the trophy, but don't recall ever seeing a video of any trophy awarding ceremony (if there is one).
Last year was the first year they had a trophy. I didn't see anything awarded after the game, but it was such a stinker I wasn't sticking around anyway. The picture of Sands (top of the thread) is one that I took last summer at a Third Rail event to visit a practice. They were showing off the trophy afterwards.
Last year was the first year they had a trophy. I didn't see anything awarded after the game, but it was such a stinker I wasn't sticking around anyway. The picture of Sands (top of the thread) is one that I took last summer at a Third Rail event to visit a practice. They were showing off the trophy afterwards.

shame there isn't an actual trophy ceremony. even if it is informal after the game. at least record it for the club social media
shame there isn't an actual trophy ceremony. even if it is informal after the game. at least record it for the club social media
Being that we lost last year, there’s a good chance that none of us caught it and there may have been some sort of ceremony for RB or there fans