NYC at DCU... U Pick!

Gotham Gator

Pick the score, the goalscorers and their order, and the POTM (Pigeon of the Match). The contestant picking the correct result (win, lose, draw) and coming closest to the actual score wins a Mug of Ale from me should we ever meet and his/her name permanently enshrined in the Hall of Victory!

Good Luck!

Tiebreakers, in order:
(1) correct result (win, lose, draw)*
(2) closest to the actual score
(3) correctly naming the most goalscorers
(4) correct goalscoring order (by team)
* - a player cannot win by picking a win if the result is a loss (and vice versa)

GIF of the Game!

2018 Hall of Victory!
ORL - Jon
DCU - Gotham Gator & The Toe
LFC - The Toe
MON - ferrarinycfc
MIN - adam
D.C. United 3
New York City FC 1

I used to be Domé curious but that was a long time ago.

I was also Dome Curious. And i have to admit I enjoyed it at first. I even got my GF to wear pineapples and participate. And she too got into it. We’ve since both soured on the concept, but our relationship is stronger as a result of the experience. We now prefer to watch matches from home and keep it to more intimate and between the two of us. But I feel like a prolonged winning streak could get the juices flowing again and tempt us to show up at a match and go full Dome. I mean YOLO, right?