Star Mutha-f*ckin Wars Mutha-f*ckas [potential Spoiler Warning]

It was glorious. Maybe a little too close to ANH, but I absolutely loved it. There were a couple of weird plot points, but I had a blast watching, and that's all I really wanted.

Lot's of ANH parallels ... legit made me nostalgic. Definitely has some plot holes, but so do the originals. Really felt good watching, really entertaining. Looking forward to seeing it again tonight in the IMAX. WOOT WOOT!
I don't know the series well but I will definitely check the movie out in theaters at some point.
I'm going to try to see it over the holiday. Hopefully the crowds have died down.
It was glorious. Maybe a little too close to ANH, but I absolutely loved it. There were a couple of weird plot points, but I had a blast watching, and that's all I really wanted.

Yep. Saw it yesterday (always good to see a film come out in the UK before the US ;) ). I'd been watching and rewatching the trailers, checking out all the analysis videos on youtube and thought I knew exactly what was coming but it still managed to surprise me in a good few places. It had a few scenes which were definitely designed to be throwbacks to the original trilogy but did a lot of new things too, and introduced some new characters who I think definitely benefit the series. All too excited for Ep8 now. If only I didn't have to wait another two years. At least there's going to be Rogue One next year...
Yep. Saw it yesterday (always good to see a film come out in the UK before the US ;) ). I'd been watching and rewatching the trailers, checking out all the analysis videos on youtube and thought I knew exactly what was coming but it still managed to surprise me in a good few places. It had a few scenes which were definitely designed to be throwbacks to the original trilogy but did a lot of new things too, and introduced some new characters who I think definitely benefit the series. All too excited for Ep8 now. If only I didn't have to wait another two years. At least there's going to be Rogue One next year...
I'm honestly more excited for Rogue One than anything else. Seems like it's going to be a very gritty movie. And based on this still, I think we're going to get some Biggs Darklighter!

Can someone help me. When Solo and Kylo are on the bridge they cut to the different people watching them, Fin, Rey Chuey etc. I saw that they showed someone from behind watching them with really long hair... Who was it? My bro says I'm imagining that person
Can someone help me. When Solo and Kylo are on the bridge they cut to the different people watching them, Fin, Rey Chuey etc. I saw that they showed someone from behind watching them with really long hair... Who was it? My bro says I'm imagining that person

I'm thinking over that section again and again but I can't remember any character with long hair who might have been there. Kylo Ren and Rey are the only characters with long hair that I can even think of in the film.
I'm thinking over that section again and again but I can't remember any character with long hair who might have been there. Kylo Ren and Rey are the only characters with long hair that I can even think of in the film.

They cut to the back of someones head with long hair looking down on them for a second....
I might have just imagined it, but thanks
They cut to the back of someones head with long hair looking down on them for a second....
I might have just imagined it, but thanks

I'm going to go back and see it a second time at some point during my holiday between Christmas and New Year - my parents want to see it, if nothing else - so if you can wait that long (and if no-one else is able to answer, of course) I'll keep my eyes peeled for that scene.
I'm going to go back and see it a second time at some point during my holiday between Christmas and New Year - my parents want to see it, if nothing else - so if you can wait that long (and if no-one else is able to answer, of course) I'll keep my eyes peeled for that scene.
Thanks! It's eating at me...
Great!! movie by the way.. I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I've only seen the first 4 in the last 2 months. So this one is the first one I got to really appreciate.
Good movie, but one major disappointment for me was the lack of a solid dark side / adversarial presence. I can accept that Kylo Ren is young and mostly in what seems to be a transitional phase in this one. Hopefully he comes back more badass in the next two. Hux was a joke, Phasma was a joke, Snoke was a joke, and the First Order was a joke. They had this huge death star 3.0 that you would think would be overseen by someone more competent. Couple all that with how easily Rey starts throwing the force around in no time and the stakes just get lower and lower.
Good movie, but one major disappointment for me was the lack of a solid dark side / adversarial presence. I can accept that Kylo Ren is young and mostly in what seems to be a transitional phase in this one. Hopefully he comes back more badass in the next two. Hux was a joke, Phasma was a joke, Snoke was a joke, and the First Order was a joke. They had this huge death star 3.0 that you would think would be overseen by someone more competent. Couple all that with how easily Rey starts throwing the force around in no time and the stakes just get lower and lower.

I totally agree.

Way too much passing the baton and not enough narrative work. The villains were utterly unthreatening and lacked substance. I really hope there is a 3 or 4 hour directors cut, because this movie was too short for what it was trying to do.

Why was the resistance necessary if there was a republic?

I totally agree with you on continuously lowering stakes but I would like to point out my utter disappointment with how the did the fights. Untrained combatants should almost never beat trained combatants, this should go doubly so for force users.
Good perspective guys, I didn't dissect it as much because my expectations weren't high. I always thought the franchise was overrated.
I enjoyed this one based on that
Why was the resistance necessary if there was a republic?

Obviously they've not talked that much about the outside politics of the rest of the galaxy - although the first films of both of the previous trilogies notably were a lot more restrained in their scope than the rest of the films, so there's precedent for that and I think it was deliberate.

I'm pretty sure that how it is meant to be interpreted is that the galaxy is now split between the rest of the Empire and the Republic. It's currently unclear whether the First Order is an independent movement formed from the Empire or is a group which took over the Empire via coup d'etat. If I had to guess I'd say the latter as Star Wars tends to deal in fairly straight-forward dualities - Jedi and Sith, Empire and Republic, Master and Apprentice, Father and Son, Duty and Self-Service. I'm not sure that it's the type of fantasy world which deals with complicated political developments as they distract from the story they are trying to tell, which is all about an individual's choice between two alternatives.

The Resistance, therefore, is not the new Rebel Alliance although it seems everyone has it down as that - probably because Leia and Admiral It's-A-Trap Ackbar are still there. The Rebel Alliance turned into the Republic government. The Resistance instead is the organisation the Republic is secretly sponsoring to keep fighting the Empire from within in the same way they used to do a generation ago. It would appear that the Republic and the Empire now regard each other as legitimate political entities which can do business with each other, as indicated by a brief throw-away line half-way through the film about the Republic always having told the Empire that it does not support the Resistance, but clearly they actually are strongly linked and in all probability the Republic pretty much runs the Resistance, it just does so secretly.

On a different note, I read an interesting article earlier today saying that apparently Daniel Craig has a cameo in Star Wars, even though he's been asked before and denied it. It seems that Spectre was filming at Elstree Studios (not very far from where I live, actually) when Star Wars was, and they basically invited him over to do a scene. He is - if reports are to be believed - the stormtrooper who Rey mind-tricks while on Starkiller base.
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OMG They Killed Hans Solo!

Thanks. Just had to get that out. Lots of fun but I basically agree with most of the criticisms leveled by ktdNYCFC and JGarrettLieb. But I still enjoyed it. Many great moments mixed in. And why hasn't anybody said out loud that Rey is related to half the cast? Rey = Queen. Ren = King. Jeez. Those names have been out for months. Do they think we're still clueless?