Trending French Word for Football/Soccer?


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Last night my wife and I watched the first episode of the Netflix series Marseille. It opens with some scenes at a league match at the Velodrome. As the main character -- the city mayor played by Gerard Depardieu -- leaves and enters his car the following dialogue takes place:

Reporter: Did you enjoy the match?
Mayor: I love football.
Wife: Don’t say “football.” It’s old-fashioned.
Mayor: You’re wrong. It adds a touch of humanity. It will gain me half a point with the over-70s.​

It's spoken in French. This is the exact transcription of the subtitles and my HS french says it is accurate. And the word spoken for "football" is "football."

So my question is: What is the new, less old-fashioned word that is the unspoken alternative to "football?"

PS: I cannot recommend the series based on the first episode. We might give it 1-2 more episodes to get interesting, but so far it is of decidedly mediocre interest.
I've more often than not used "Le Foot" when speaking about soccer rather than "Football". No idea what word it could be. Maybe a Marseillan slang.
"Le foot" was actually my best guess but I didn't want to poison the responses. I expect that's probably it.