Updated Players Salaries As Of 9/15/15

Still lots of salary to cut. Depending on whether you cut with a scalpel or a machete - Grabavoy, Jacobson, Taylor, Wingert, Hernandez, Brovsky, Meara, Watson-Siriboe. Easily $1 Million to shed if you think you can re-deploy it better.

I for one would get rid of Grabavoy, Brovsky, Meara, Watson-Siriboe, Taylor and Wingert but would keep Jacobson. He's a replacement level player in the midfield. He and Ballouchy are good value. The other guys free up 750k.

If you think Connor Brandt is a usable option at LB, Wingert should be gone. If you think Johannsen is a serviceable back-up, then Meara (who is on loan) should be gone. I think we've found we have something in Poku and Shelton. No reason to really keep Taylor. Iraola and Allen are better value than Brovsky at RB. Ballouchy to me is better value than Grabavoy.

That gives you 750k to go find two CBs and a Striker. Plus two draft picks.
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Thanks for finding this.

Still looks like Wingert and Calle will be targets to off load in the offseason.
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Still lots of salary to cut. Depending on whether you cut with a scalpel or a machete - Grabavoy, Jacobson, Taylor, Wingert, Hernandez, Brovsky, Meara, Watson-Siriboe. Easily $1 Million to shed if you think you can re-deploy it better.

I for one would get rid of Grabavoy, Brovsky, Meara, Watson-Siriboe, Taylor and Wingert but would keep Jacobson. He's a replacement level player in the midfield. He and Ballouchy are good value. The other guys free up 750k.

If you think Connor Brandt is a usable option at LB, Wingert should be gone. If you think Johannsen is a serviceable back-up, then Meara (who is on loan) should be gone. I think we've found we have something in Poku and Shelton. No reason to really keep Taylor. Iraola and Allen are better value than Brovsky at RB. Ballouchy to me is better value than Grabavoy.

That gives you 750k to go find two CBs and a Striker. Plus two draft picks.
I would keep Taylor he was good at the beginning of he year and he is still fairly young plus he's only making 85k no need to unload that asset.

Calle 225k
Wingert 215
Kwame 81
Meara 73
Grabavoy 215
Alverez 63

EDIT: Also would like to note my changes would free up 2 international slots leaving us with 3 for the January transfer window assuming we keep Angelino and Facey.

872k Plenty of cash to upgrade this roster in significant ways
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I would keep Taylor he was good at the beginning of he year and he is still fairly young plus he's only making 85k no need to unload that asset.

Calle 225k
Wingert 215
Kwame 81
Meara 73
Grabavoy 215
Alverez 63

872k Plenty of cash to upgrade this roster in significant ways
Kwame is cheap enough to keep for bench, but he may have worn off his welcome with Kreis (2nd chance blown). Alvarez would also free up a intern'l slot.

We definitely need stronger depth and stronger 11 for 2016.
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Kwame is cheap enough to keep for bench, but he may have worn off his welcome with Kreis (2nd chance blown). Alvarez would also free up a intern'l slot.

We definitely need stronger depth and stronger 11 for 2016.
I'd rather keep Brovsky at this salary who can play a bunch of positions then Kwame who we've seen makes enormous mistakes.
NYCFC Iraola Andoni D $ 200,004.00 $ 200,004.00

Hoping the Kreis does, as well. I don't think we're in need of him, especially since we'd have to buy him at $1mil. He'll open up plenty of space for a much more useful player.
It is too bad he cannot stay healthy. He has a sweet left foot and can offer width which we lack. When he came back in mid season he also looked fitter in his start against Orlando than he did early in the year, when he played okay but seemed out of shape. But, with the persistent tendency to get hurt, and the nature of the injuries (ie, not fluke type stuff) agree he is probably not worth it.
I would renegotiate Calle and Wingert. Drop them down into the 100k range. Drop the rest to whoever is willing to take them.
Calle isn't our player I doubt we can negotiate much on his salary. Wingert yeah absolutely if he'll do it he would 100% be worth around 100k. Not sure i'd be happy taking less than half my salary though.
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Are these salaries guaranteed for multiple years, or can a team part ways with any player at any time? I don't know how this works in MLS - is it closer to NBA/MLB (full guaranteed contract) or NFL (cut whenever)?

How much turnover can you expect for a team in a single offseason? How much control do clubs have over players with favorable contracts (Poku)?

I need a manual for this shit.
Calle will be gone next year. He has a million dollar price tag for us to purchase his contract. He's not worth it. Wish he wasn't so hurt this year so we could have seen more of him.
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Are these salaries guaranteed for multiple years, or can a team part ways with any player at any time? I don't know how this works in MLS - is it closer to NBA/MLB (full guaranteed contract) or NFL (cut whenever)?

How much turnover can you expect for a team in a single offseason? How much control do clubs have over players with favorable contracts (Poku)?

I need a manual for this shit.
MLS is very secretive about certain things and player contract details are one of them. Sometimes they even make it up as they go along.
Calle isn't our player I doubt we can negotiate much on his salary. Wingert yeah absolutely if he'll do it he would 100% be worth around 100k. Not sure i'd be happy taking less than half my salary though.

Oh, I thought we bought him outright from Medellin. Jeeez. Ah well... he's got the injury bug in a bad way anyway.