Current Stats And Future Predictions


Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
Mar 19, 2015
I looked up some stats this morning and was shocked by some of them. Thought I would share and I'm interested in peoples predictions for the second half of the season:

(Stats as of 7/13)

League Goals
Kei Kamara 12
Sebastian Giovinco 11
David Villa 10
Kaka 9
Chris Wondolowski 9

If Villa stays healthy seems like a good shot he could lead the league in goals. He got 10 in the first half with minimal support. His scoring rate should only increase with all the new help arriving.

Min Played (This ones depressing)

Chris Wingert 1623
Josh Saunders 1620
Andrew Jacobson 1548
David Villa 1319
Ned Grabavoy 1317
Jason Hernandez 1215
Mix Diskerud 1162
Jeb Brovsky 1132
Mehdi Ballouchy 1057
Shay Facey 943
Patrick Mullins 727
Khiry Shelton 704
Adam Nemec 594
Kwame Watson-Siriboe 553
Thomas McNamara 548
R.J. Allen 496
Josh Williams 430
Sebastian Velasquez 397
Kwadwo Poku 380
Javier Calle 323

Former RSL players Avg. Min played: 1242
Non-RSL players Avg. Min Played: 723

Wow does Kries love Wingert, Grabavoy and the rest of his RSL boys. This pretty much sums up most of what people have been complaining about. The bottom is as disappointing as the top, Poku still has less time than Valasquez and Williams. Let's hope things change considerably in the second half.
I agree with you on the possibility of Villa becoming the top goal scorer when we get more support. I also wish Grabavoy would get less minutes. Not a big fan of what he does on the field.
Some of the MP is due to who is healthy at any given time.

This is true for Calle, Shelton, and Williams but outside of those few I struggle to find players low on that list due to injuries. Mullins, Poku, McNamara, and Facey have all shown talent and been available for the majority of the games. Injuries are not enough to eliminate the clear RSL bias. This is a coach with a strong preference towards vets he knows and trusts. I can't say its a bad strategy when you are trying to win the league but we started the year as a new team building for the future waiting on its 2nd and 3rd DP. I would have preferred the 1st half of the season to have been used developing younger players and giving them time to see what they can offer. We couldn't have lost many more games than we did, playing the vets essentially got us nothing at the cost of accelerating the development of some of our younger players.
I agree with you on the possibility of Villa becoming the top goal scorer when we get more support. I also wish Grabavoy would get less minutes. Not a big fan of what he does on the field.

Of the RSL guys I liked Grabavoy the most at the start of the season. He set the tone with his hustle the first few games and really played hard. Unfortunately he has not looked the same since missing a few games with an injury. I think he is really banged up and this foot thing is hindering him. It's a reasonable debate as to who should play between Poku, McNamara and a healthy Grabavoy. But injured Grabavoy with a messed up foot vs. Poku/McNamara is no contest and the the fact that he keeps getting marched out there is just blind loyalty on the part of Kries.
Some of the MP is due to who is healthy at any given time.

Who on the list should have more minutes? Maybe he should have gotten TMac and Poku more minutes earlier in the season or maybe they needed time to learn the system.

The biggest problems with that list are (1) there isn't a great starting 11, (2) it gets worse in a hurry the second there is an injury and (3) even with the best of circumstances a brand new team takes time to gel.

Welcome to being a first year team. But year 2: look out!

Who on the list should have more minutes? Maybe he should have gotten TMac and Poku more minutes earlier in the season or maybe they needed time to learn the system.

The biggest problems with that list are (1) there isn't a great starting 11, (2) it gets worse in a hurry the second there is an injury and (3) even with the best of circumstances a brand new team takes time to gel.

Welcome to being a first year team. But year 2: look out!
Come on now. Don't make me be a dick again after I just got done apologizing.
Does anyone have information on how the roster is compiled?

NYCFC doesn't seem to operate like European leagues where the manager/coach's word is near law in terms of the 28 man roster.

But then again it doesn't seem like MLB where the front office has the power to tell a coach to play with the players we give you and be happy about it.

Basically if this were MLB and I was in the front office I would probably get rid of all of the RSL guys as an object lesson to Jason Kreis about playing favorites with players. Does Claudio Reynia/anyone else have the power to get rid of the RSL idiots over the inevitable objections of our coach?

I mean I'm furious that Poku has so few minutes when Grabavoy has so many. But on the other hand, you really don't want to sour relations with your head coach that badly. Uggh complicated situation.

On the other hand, now that I'm more sober and less hungover, we should keep KWS for the rest of the season. His salary is just about at the league minimum and, I'm speculating here, but we probably don't have that much salary space to work with; we really don't need a cap penalty at this juncture.
I looked up some stats this morning and was shocked by some of them. Thought I would share and I'm interested in peoples predictions for the second half of the season:

(Stats as of 7/13)

League Goals
Kei Kamara 12
Sebastian Giovinco 11
David Villa 10
Kaka 9
Chris Wondolowski 9

If Villa stays healthy seems like a good shot he could lead the league in goals. He got 10 in the first half with minimal support. His scoring rate should only increase with all the new help arriving.

Min Played (This ones depressing)

Chris Wingert 1623
Josh Saunders 1620
Andrew Jacobson 1548
David Villa 1319
Ned Grabavoy 1317
Jason Hernandez 1215
Mix Diskerud 1162
Jeb Brovsky 1132
Mehdi Ballouchy 1057
Shay Facey 943
Patrick Mullins 727
Khiry Shelton 704
Adam Nemec 594
Kwame Watson-Siriboe 553
Thomas McNamara 548
R.J. Allen 496
Josh Williams 430
Sebastian Velasquez 397
Kwadwo Poku 380
Javier Calle 323

Former RSL players Avg. Min played: 1242
Non-RSL players Avg. Min Played: 723

Wow does Kries love Wingert, Grabavoy and the rest of his RSL boys. This pretty much sums up most of what people have been complaining about. The bottom is as disappointing as the top, Poku still has less time than Valasquez and Williams. Let's hope things change considerably in the second half.

I don't disagree that Kreis trusts some of the former RSL guys more, and have zero interest going down that line of argument.

But just saying that I can't take much from the average minutes argument on its own when that's totally dependent on skill level. Is anyone arguing that Velasquez should be playing over Grabavoy? Or Josh Williams should be playing over Wingert?

Yet a pure average puts them on an even plane regardless of value provided to the team. You've also got Calle counting as a full player when he's only dressed for four or five games - that brings down the average.

It'd be totally unreasonable and not at all worth the time input, but I think a better comparison would be game rating via Whoscored compared to minutes played per game. If you're noticing that certain guys continually have low ratings yet still play constant minutes over the course of the season, it shows that Kreis trusts those guys more than the guys on the bench.

Additionally, if you looked at Mcnamara's minutes over the last two months, you'd also see at this point he's one of our best XI. He didn't play a lick at the start of the year, but he's really grown into his role he took on due to injuries and steps back from anticipated starters. He earned his minutes (and has taken many of Grabavoy's, tbh), but in this model, it appears to "count against" Kreis.

Again, I'm not arguing that he doesn't trust the RSL guys more than some of the other guys on the roster. It's pretty clear he does. But if you look at some of the names on that list, I can't think of more than a few who deserve that many more minutes.

From my window, when choosing one or the other, Kreis values a very athletically limited player who at least knows what he's doing out there over of a player with game-changing potential and no clue which direction his own goal is half the time. Some can't agree with that, which I get. But that's the logic.

Edit: Still, major thanks to gbservis for posting this - it's a really interesting look
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