Guess The Attendance 2019 - NYCFC vs. LAFC (March 17)


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Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
Jan 2, 2015
New York, NY
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

The Price is Right rules, as always, closest to the actual attendance as reported on without going over. Guesses must be posted before gates open (i.e. 1:30 PM ET).

2019 Winners
- Match 1, D.C. (March 10): LostAnvil LostAnvil 23,456 (estimate) vs. 24,361 (actual)
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Winner. Actual 20,339.
I really wonder if the team still counts sold tickets if a STH turns them back in? I turned in two, my buddy turned in two, and I’m sure we weren’t the only ones, and the place looked pretty empty. There’s no way that 20k is accurate unless they’re counting anything ever sold.
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