Red Bull Supporters New Billboard


Seasoned Supporter
Oct 5, 2014
Just in time for the new season the disgruntled supporters of the energy drink franchise finally got their billboard finished. This one is not digital and is closer to the stadium. I'm glad to see that they are continuing their fight with the owners (mostly because I love the drama).

Just in time for the new season the disgruntled supporters of the energy drink franchise finally got their billboard finished. This one is not digital and is closer to the stadium. I'm glad to see that they are continuing their fight with the owners (mostly because I love the drama).

Lol, what legend?

The one trophy in 19 years?
That's awesome. Rivalry aside, they have been completely boned by their ownership/FO. It's great that they could band together and make something like this happen. I wish we had this kind of organization...
Honest question, how have they been boned? Because the FO fired Petke? A coach who was unaware of the impact of yellow card accumulation in the playoffs and how that would affect his top scoring forward?

I'm not necessarily a fan of Red Bull ownership, but things were not rosy when they were Metro. Under Red Bull ownership, they have been built one of the premier soccer specific stadiums in the country. They've seen players like Thierry Henry, Tim Cahill, Juan Pablo Angel. The Red Bull formula has not given them the MLS Cup, but it hasn't been the worst either.
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I've change my mind to thinking the Red Bulls fans are nuts. Petke underachieved. He had Thierry freaking Henry and didn't make the MLS Cup. Most successful in club history isn't a compliment to Petke; it's a condemnation of the depth of poverty the club previously sustained.

I don't like what Red Bull has done, but the obsession with Petke, I just don't get.
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Kind of a waste of money, if you ask me - their fans are already aware of the issue and for everyone else that passes the billboard will have no idea
I think they are aiming at the front office folks who will see it across the highway from the arena. The real problem is that the front office folks that truly make decisions work in Austria.
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Oh man, how epic would it be if Red Bull sells the the Cosmos.
never happen under MLS single entity. That was what kept Cosmos from being NY2 in the first place. they wanted to retain their individual licensing rights. Having said that, it would be a best case scenario for NY soccer
Oh, I'm not looking at it as a best case scenario for NY soccer at all. No sir. My reasons are purely childish.

I'd love to see Red Bull poke their thumb into the eyes of "Metros Forever" crowd by having their legendary :rolleyes: history pushed further into oblivion by being bought by the Cosmos.

And I'd love to see the spin all the f.cosmos fanboys would put on the deal. You know, the clowns who were shouting from the mountaintops they never go to Harrison, because it was too much of a pain in the ass to make their way into NJ.......the ones who could never support the Red Bulls, because they're not an authentic NYC team playing over there in NJ.......and of course the ones who would never support a team in the evil single entity world of MLS.
f. = fake. It's been months since I've lurked onto that site, but I'm pretty sure it was over on Big Soccer that a Red Bull fan first coined that phrase.
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