What Pisses You Off?


What (or who) angers you more than anything else in the whole wide World? Not essentially sport related it could be absolutely anything. Perhaps you live with someone who's an incredibly bad singer? Perhaps its someone who has stabbed you in the back? Perhaps somebody who stole your wife or girlfriend? Maybe some idiot who caused damage to your property? Perhaps you're a criminal who hates those pesky cops? Perhaps there's someone in your immediate or extended family who's a complete moron? Whatever it is post it in this thread and don't sugarcoat your feelings! Lengthy and ANGRY rants preferred!

I'm going to start with dogs. No doubt there's dog lovers on here so many of you may disagree. One of the funniest shows I ever heard on radio a few years back was about that subject. The presenter like myself had a strong dislike of dogs and spent the entire show arguing with idiotic dog owners. The majority of dogs for me serve no purpose at all. They bark incessantly disrupting peace. Bark as you walk past for no reason at all and generally come across as the most retarded creatures on the planet. (aside from most Man United fans) Personally I wouldn't shed a tear if I never saw one of the hounds of hell again. Never been bitten but that's besides the point.

What's even worse than dogs? Stupid dog owners especially those who are to deluded or ignorant to see how dumb their stupid "pet" truly is. Walking the stupid animals at the most inconvenient times usually at night when you can barely see them. Often walking without a lead (which should be an instant fine as far as I'm concerned) and allowing them to jump up and harass innocent people. I remember a friend of mine being bitten by an Alsatian for no reason at all. Then the idiotic owners had the temerity to complain when it was rightly put down. In that case the dog actually broke off its lead as it couldn't be restrained. If I was a little older at the time I would have encouraged my friend to sue the idiots responsible.

That's when they come out with the most idiotic lines of all. Stupid bastards saying stuff like "he wants to make friends", "he's being friendly" and other complete rubbish. What is it about generally normal, rational human beings who turn into ignorant idiots when their dog is involved? Then you have the clowns who buy monstrous dogs for status and as a means to intimidate people. Lets not forget not cleaning up after the filthy things and allowing the streets to be contaminated. I'm sure also that many of you have had football games ruined after a dog decided to make its stupid presence felt. Usually due to their stupid owner not exercising any means of restraint.

Smoking is banned in public places in UK. I don't like smoking at all but why is should there be fines for that and not for idiots who walk their damn dog without a lead. This might seem too extreme but they should be forced to wear a muzzle as well. Their should also be more dog wardens recruited to round up stray dogs. Micro chipping should be a mandatory procedure.

As for cases where dogs have killed people the responsibility often lies with the owner. In some cases parents have lost a child due to their failure to recognise clear dangers. What sort of idiot lets a gigantic dog near a child especially their own? Some of the sentences I've seen in such cases are incredibly lenient. Dogs can never be trusted no matter how long you might have owned one. Dogs have illnesses like anyone else something could make them snap without warning. I could never live in the same household as one.

Now I'm not planning to go on a dog extermination spree anytime soon. I'm also not advocating anybody harm dogs physically unless they pose an immediate threat to yourself or your family. If I saw somebody kicking a dog in its stupid, idiotic, dumb face (if it wasn't self defence) it wouldn't bring me satisfaction. I also don't approve of people who organise illegal dog fights. Reacting with violence to their stupidity is a little overboard but there's times where a dog irritates me (usually by just seeing their stupid faces) where I almost wish UK had gun laws like the US.

I don't like contact with any animal but its only dogs that bring out pure annoyance in me. Stupid dog owners even more. Dogs are the most popular household animal in the world and I recognise that but who hates them as much as I do? If you like dogs speak up in their defence (though I can't think of any other than guide, forensic or police dogs) this is the Warzone!
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i hat things that are wrong. like if someone says "the U.S ended the second world war" i would get proper pissed off. it shows how little they know about history.
I hate long posts about dogs
I love dogs. I have two. A basset (rescue) and a Puggle (bought). They come with my wife and I everywhere. They always make sure the ground ahead of us is safe and smells as such. They alert us when there is danger or when they want food. They have personalities that are more complex than most people I know. They are friendly, sometimes too friendly. If Vinjay Vinjay ever makes it to NYC, I feel like it's my duty to make sure he meets my boys and rescinds everything he posted.

Of course Vinjay Vinjay is entitled to his own opinion and I respect that...but goddamn is he missing out on a unique inter-specie experience that only exists between human and canine.
Taking a break from dogs for a second, what really pisses me off is people who walk too slow. Especially when they decide to stop in a doorway or a stairwell or any narrow walkway, blocking everybody from passing by. Common sense, people. This is New York City, move fast or get out of the way.
Taking a break from dogs for a second, what really pisses me off is people who walk too slow. Especially when they decide to stop in a doorway or a stairwell or any narrow walkway, blocking everybody from passing by. Common sense, people. This is New York City, move fast or get out of the way.
The pain in the ass that stands on the left side of the escalator.
Taking a break from dogs for a second, what really pisses me off is people who walk too slow. Especially when they decide to stop in a doorway or a stairwell or any narrow walkway, blocking everybody from passing by. Common sense, people. This is New York City, move fast or get out of the way.
Spoken like a true New Yorker
Does not matter where it is when it comes to slow walkers (especially those in groups taking up space) there's ignorance everywhere. People who have no awareness of what's around them are the types who end up getting run over and can't understand why. I've never been hospitalised or injured badly and there's a reason for that. Self awareness of what is around me. Quite a few posts about slow walkers recently (on here and twitter) I even posted an article about it from the NY Post earlier this week.

Back on dogs/animals again why on earth would anyone support an animal charity over anything invlving humans. Not saying I'm a big charitable contributor or anything but when it comes to worthy causes dogs should be way down the list.

Dogs certainly have complex personalities as do people in mental institutions.
Does not matter where it is when it comes to slow walkers (especially those in groups taking up space) there's ignorance everywhere. People who have no awareness of what's around them are the types who end up getting run over and can't understand why. I've never been hospitalised or injured badly and there's a reason for that. Self awareness of what is around me. Quite a few posts about slow walkers recently (on here and twitter) I even posted an article about it from the NY Post earlier this week.

Back on dogs/animals again why on earth would anyone support an animal charity over anything invlving humans. Not saying I'm a big charitable contributor or anything but when it comes to worthy causes dogs should be way down the list.

Dogs certainly have complex personalities as do people in mental institutions.
I guess this is where the WARZONE aspect comes into play. If you yourself are not a contributor to any causes, whether dedicated to human suffering or animal rights, then you do not qualify to comment on what other people consider a worthy cause.
Back on dogs/animals again why on earth would anyone support an animal charity over anything invlving humans. Not saying I'm a big charitable contributor or anything but when it comes to worthy causes dogs should be way down the list.

Dogs certainly have complex personalities as do people in mental institutions.
Well, why would someone be a vet over a doctor? Why would someone do research for acne treatment over cancer treatment?

We have limited resources to contribute to unlimited endeavors. But there is the law of diminishing margin returns, which pretty much says that after a certain point, every additional person/dollar/hour given to, say, cancer research is less effective than the previous one. We are most effective spreading inputs around to different causes, and then leveraging those successes into more successes in other areas.

Basically, its probably more effective for on the aggregate 80% of donations go to people and 20% go to animals, than if 100% went to people. Because, for one, now people earn money for caring for animals, which they would not have otherwise made since they are horrible people doctors, and they can then donate 80% of that additional capital back to people causes.
I guess this is where the WARZONE aspect comes into play. If you yourself are not a contributor to any causes, whether dedicated to human suffering or animal rights, then you do not qualify to comment on what other people consider a worthy cause.
Why not? Not participating in something does not disqualify someone's opinion. That is just a weak argument used by people who can't defend their actions and opinions with logic. If you think animal rights is a worthy cause, give a reason, don't just say "oh you aren't qualified to discuss this." Please.
I guess this is where the WARZONE aspect comes into play. If you yourself are not a contributor to any causes, whether dedicated to human suffering or animal rights, then you do not qualify to comment on what other people consider a worthy cause.

Can't really come up with much of a rebuttal to that. Still if I was a charitable contributor animal charities would be right at the bottom of my priority list. The "warzone" is coming into play this thread is certainly working isn't it? That's the whole point provocative posts (but certainly genuine) and opinions because that's often what gets people talking. Surprised my Jerry Springer thread didn't get a bit more attention because the subject in that is about as provocative and taboo as you can get.
Taking a break from dogs for a second, what really pisses me off is people who walk too slow. Especially when they decide to stop in a doorway or a stairwell or any narrow walkway, blocking everybody from passing by. Common sense, people. This is New York City, move fast or get out of the way.

One thing that really pisses me off would be, because being raised in the South, when people either don't hold doors for others, especially when they're right behind them. Also, if I hold a door for someone and they don't say "Thank you". I don't mean to nag about thanking people, but common courtesy suggests that if someone does something for you that you should thank them. I'm not sure if it bothers native New Yorkers, but that's how I was raised and it really bothers me.
One thing that really pisses me off would be, because being raised in the South, when people either don't hold doors for others, especially when they're right behind them. Also, if I hold a door for someone and they don't say "Thank you". I don't mean to nag about thanking people, but common courtesy suggests that if someone does something for you that you should thank them. I'm not sure if it bothers native New Yorkers, but that's how I was raised and it really bothers me.
It definitely bothers native New Yorkers. I'm one of those assholes that normally says something to people that walk through with the attitude that I owe them something.
YA KNOW WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS!!! when people are terrible drivers, like they don't use their blinker and just abruptly stop in the middle of the road, I just want to run up to them and politely punch them in the throat. Maybe a little harsh.
If you're in NY not sure its just terrible drivers that are the problem! Cars a waste of money for me last thing I would want is to end up stranded in a breakdown. Changing flat tires, filling up petrol, etc not my thing. So thankfully its not on my "pissed off" list through choice. As for people who buy expensive cars why? Might as well be an advert for carjacking and in the UK some asshole would probably key it. Think it was Piers Morgan who made the claim that in the US if you have a nice looking car people come up and give compliments. In the UK its abuse.
That depends partly on your area, ofc. There are a few nice sports cars that drive around my town but I never see any ill will to the drivers.

That said, I think it's also cultural - in America they have the American Dream, where everyone has the shared vision of wealth and prosperity and people who have "made it" broadly are to be admired as a role model, as proof that it can be done. In the UK, because it's far harder to "make it" in quite the same way, it's much more about finding a style of life in which you are comfortable, but the offshoot of that is that we get very jealous when we see people doing better than ourselves and think that it's unfair that they have been successful where we are struggling, hence the resentment for people who are living the life we want to lead ourselves, hence the car scratchings.

That also said, I still think I can count on one hand the number of scratched cars I've seen, ever.
i hat things that are wrong. like if someone says "the U.S ended the second world war" i would get proper pissed off. it shows how little they know about history.
Without US manufacturing and supplies early on Britain and Russia would have been annihilated.

Without US troops later on, Germany still would likely win.

Seems like USA was the key to me.

Biggest pet peeve of mine is people ALWAYS seem to be getting in and out of the car parked next to mine when I'm getting in or out. Its unreal how much this happens to me.