2021 Ticket Inquiry Thread


Staff member
Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
We at the Forums ask that you use the following format when listing inquiries...

Date of Game: MM/DD/YY
Day and Start Time: Day @ 0:00 A.M./P.M.
Opponent: Team Name
Section / Row / Seat: 100 / 1 / 1-12
Number of tickets available: #

And please update your posts if you've sold your tickets or purchased your tickers. PMs are the best way to get in contract with sellers.
Date of game: 04/24/2021
Day and Start time: Saturday @ 1:00 P.M.
Opponent: FC Matarrita
Seats: 226 / 1 / 19-20
Number of tickets available: 2

These tickets are available at the City Member rate with no fees.
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Date of Game:
Day and Start Time: Friday, 7:30 PM
Opponent: Columbus
Seats: Section 103, Row 4
Number of Tickets: 2

two tickets for sale in section 103 row 4.
Date of Game:
Day and Start Time: Friday, 7:30 PM
Opponent: Columbus
Seats: Section 205, Row 2
Number of Tickets: 2

Two tickets for sale - Section 205, Row 2.
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Date of Game:
Day and Start Time: Sunday, 3:00 PM
Opponent: Atlanta
Seats: Section 229, Row 19 (2), Section 224, Row 19 (1)
Number of Tickets: 3
1-4 tickets for @Philly 12/5
Preferably near away support
Date of Game: 12/05/21
Day and Start Time: Sunday 3:00 PM
Opponent: Philadelphia
Section / Row / Seat: 130 / Z / 9

Number of tickets available: 1

Mistakenly purchased two single tickets last night. The Union site was swamped, with the first transaction freezing in the payment process. Went back to start over, and ended up with both tickets.

Selling at cost. Three sections from away supporters in 133.
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