I agree no one seems to be aware of this book.
I think you may have articulated my thoughts better than me. The book just had a feel to it that it was a touch out of time. Not yet a book I was reading that was set in a time period (I'd guess late 80s?) nor was it a book that held up to modern times. Like so many horror movies - "What if they just had a cell phone?" kind of a thing. In no way did it take away from my enjoyment. The book just felt odd. I also went into with no frame of reference or what to expect. Yeah maybe it is the use of the word yuppie, or the expected collapse of eco bad guys. I also think (based on greenpeace) that many of these organizations simply are bigger and more complicated than the story let on. Again that was part of the character's charm - that he convinced so many that he was powerful when really he had little means.
The sexism just felt like a character trait to me.
That's all I got.
I think you are right on about a certain temporal whiplash - it is kind of easy to forget that the book isn't in the present and then be suddenly jolted back to the 80s at certain moments. I had the same experience.
Honestly, I'm probably overreacting to the sexism thing. In the context of this book alone it is totally reasonable to put it down to a character trait, it is just something that started to bother me at one point when I was binging on Stephenson books and so I became maybe excessively vigilant when it comes to his works.
Back to the general thread, my library hold list has grown significantly thanks to all of you!
Oh, and FootyLovin I second the recommendation of Americanah. I actually liked her earlier book (OH GOD I'M THAT GUY) set in the Nigeria "Half of Yellow Sun" even more. As much as I enjoyed her view of America the romance in Americanah didn't quite do it for me - but talking to others I seem to be in the minority on that account. Really, they're both great.