Comcast Is Dropping The Yes Network


Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
Oct 2, 2014
It's being widely reported, so not going to selectively link. Just wanted folks who rely on Comcast to watch NYCFC (for the few games that aren't on another weird channel, or bumped for a Yankees rain delay) to monitor, and if necessary, be able to plan accordingly.
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It's being widely reported, so not going to selectively link. Just wanted folks who rely on Comcast to watch NYCFC (for the few games that aren't on another weird channel, or bumped for a Yankees rain delay) to be able to plan accordingly.
I'll be shocked if this dispute is not resolved by the spring. Doubt it goes that long even.
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I haven't had a television in years but isn't cable provider threatening to drop channel/channel threatening to pull out from cable provider how they spar over licensing fee agreements?
I'll be shocked if this dispute is not resolved by the spring. Doubt it goes that long even.
True. But if I had Comcast, I would be nervous enough to at least monitor and/or it could be a good reason to switch/drop if already unhappy with the service.
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If it's anything like the bull shit Time-Warner pulls you'll have nothing to worry about. Here's what's going to happen:

  • Comcast will scream from the mountaintop they're holding fast to protect the consumer who doesn't want to pay for YES from having to pay for YES.
  • YES will scream from the next mountaintop over they want to protect their users from having the network moved to a premium channel.
  • I'd say in the next billing period or two Comcast customers will see their bills go up about $2 or $3 per month with no explanation given.
  • Several weeks later YES and Comcast will hold a lovefest of a press conference announcing how they came to an agreement and in the long run, YOU the consumer, is the winner!

Happens all the time.
I would guess it would be resolved before the yankees start playing, all due respect to NYCFC; the yanks are the only programming that matters on YES, and for the most part the only programming on YES that matters to Comcast subscribers.
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Since YES is 80% owned by FOX, it's possible that FOX might bundle YES with other FOX properties like FOX5, MY9, FS1/2, FOX News and FOX Business.

This is not unlike how Disney gets clearance for its television properties.

I'd expect a solution to such a tussle in short order.
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This happened with Time Warner and MSG a few years ago. It's about money and it's going to be resolved.
well at least I can watch NYCFC on MLS Live now for all their games.

I think there would still be a local blackout, no? Even if Comcast wasn't carrying YES, other local cable companies will.

And I don't think there will be an MLS Live next year for out-of-market coverage. ESPN will likely roll out ESPN3/WatchESPN coverage. Which was supposed to happen this year, but didn't
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I think there would still be a local blackout, no? Even if Comcast wasn't carrying YES, other local cable companies will.
We can't pick an choose (coaxial) cable companies so I could guess since I'd be using a Comcast internet connection (to view MLS LIVE), they'd know we don't receive the Yes network so the local blackout rule would not apply?

Same I guess would apply to ESPN3 / WatchESPN since I'd be signing in with my comcast credentials.
My understanding is that the blackout rule applies by region, not by who you choose (or don't choose) for your cable company. I don't even have a cable company. I don't have a television. But the blackout still applied to MLS Live for home games because I live in NYC
Yes the blackouts generally apply regardless of your provider if you are within the region. The Crew signed a new local TV deal last year giving exclusive rights to Time Warner Sports I believe. The only way to get that channel is through Time Warner, so even people in nearby areas without Time Warner access could not watch Crew game legally.
Mushnick nails it in today's Post:

This week, on short warning, 900,000 area Comcast subscribers lost YES from their you’ll-eat-what-we-serve menus. Same old stuff: YES is too expensive and wants even more for goods — primarily Yankees and Nets — few are interested in viewing.

And that leads to the same old follow-up: If that’s the case, it’s incumbent upon Comcast to rebate or credit customers for the loss of YES based on exactly what it charged them for it. Fat chance. If only Comcast will be reaping the savings, why purport to be serving the best financial interests of its customers, now required to pay the same for less?

If Comcast does provide credits or rebates, the amount will be pocket change, not a reflection of YES as too expensive to have been carried in the first place — or next week.

By now we know how these disputes often play out: YES and Comcast, after spending a fortune accusing the other of treason, will reach a settlement for which only subscribers will pay.

And then Comcast will holler, “YES is back! Yankees! NBA! All the stuff you love! Come and get it!” It’s all predicated upon subscribers being too stupid to know — or that it makes no difference even if they do. What’s a good reputation worth these days, anyway? Nothing.

Time Warner wouldn’t clear the NFL Network, claiming few wanted it. But when it settled, Time Warner sold it as a must-have!