Death Penalty


A most "cheerful" topic but one that certainly finds its place in the Warzone. The Death Penalty currently is not authorised in NY though not without effort to restore it. Nor in the UK as its probably unnecessary to point out where there's certainly people who want it restored. Now I'm not looking for the simplistic "hang them all" mentality but actual arguments for or against. Do you disagree with death penalties on grounds of potential wrongful conviction? Though some people wrongfully convicted may have been better off dead than serving wrongful sentences for years. What about belief or disbelief in rehabilitation? Do you believe life sentences in jail (moreso with no chance of parole) are a stronger punishment than death?

Or do you reserve death penalties for certain groups? For instance reserved for people like idiotic poker players? ;) Or murderers, rapists, etc?
A most "cheerful" topic but one that certainly finds its place in the Warzone. The Death Penalty currently is not authorised in NY though not without effort to restore it. Nor in the UK as its probably unnecessary to point out where there's certainly people who want it restored. Now I'm not looking for the simplistic "hang them all" mentality but actual arguments for or against. Do you disagree with death penalties on grounds of potential wrongful conviction? Though some people wrongfully convicted may have been better off dead than serving wrongful sentences for years. What about belief or disbelief in rehabilitation? Do you believe life sentences in jail (moreso with no chance of parole) are a stronger punishment than death?

Or do you reserve death penalties for certain groups? For instance reserved for people like idiotic poker players? ;) Or murderers, rapists, etc?
My only problem with the death penalty is wrongful conviction. I do not think there is merit to the argument that death is better than being set free after a number of years in prison. Death is final, there is nothing more after it (at least in this world), and something is always better than nothing. That is why suicide is considered "irrational" by many.
If a person is sentenced to the death penality, then they SHOULD have 7 years to find themselves not guilty. 7 years of maximum confinement or something
I go back and forth with the death penalty, but I do have a problem with my tax dollars footing the bill for someone to be in jail for the rest of their lives (with no chance of parole). Do they work? Can we put them to work?
It's barbaric & shows complete hypocrisy.
Any government should be setting an example to it's citizens
about what is right & wrong (unfortunately that never happens).

Add wrongful conviction to that & it's a complete no no from me.
I'm only sort of against it because I believe a lifetime in our prisons in more of a punishment than allowing them to escape through death.

Though I'm not bothered by most who do receive the penalty...they deserve it.