Fifa 15 - Be A Pro


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Got my Be A Pro started and I'm finding it TOUGH to really get rolling. My player is rated 71 right now. I'm playing for RBNY (don't judge me) as a striker. Used GameFace too so my player is super accurate.

See? Accurate.

Any tips for improving the game rating? I stay in position, play hard, have 4 goals and I keep ending up at 5.5-6.1!
I don't know what they base the ratings off of so I'm not sure what you'd have to do, but I have the same problems with my players sometimes. I play as a CAM for Barca and am a 90 overall, but when I started it was tough to have good games. I feel like when you don't turnover the ball and have a high pass and tackle percentage your rating is higher. And scoring goals, creating chances for teammates and getting assists really helps
Yeah, assists is SUCH a pain! I can pass the ball well but these bastards can't shoot! So many great through balls I've sent that ended up sailing wide.

I'm really trying to better understand this mode. I'm so hooked on it but I don't really understand how to succeed at it.
Yeah be a pro is shit. I started a be a pro career as a keeper in FIFA 14 and I kept getting bad ratings because they barely ever made it down to my end to shoot. I ended up with better ratings when I came out of goal and scored at the other end. Then I gave up on be a pro...
LMAO! My son does the same thing. He has one striker and one keeper. He sets all the sliders for MAX advantage for the computer and they still stink at getting shots on goal.

I'm going to fight through it a little while longer and see what happens. I'll try to share any tips I find.
Got my Be A Pro started and I'm finding it TOUGH to really get rolling. My player is rated 71 right now. I'm playing for RBNY (don't judge me) as a striker. Used GameFace too so my player is super accurate.

See? Accurate.

Any tips for improving the game rating? I stay in position, play hard, have 4 goals and I keep ending up at 5.5-6.1!
It definitely takes time to get rolling, particularly if you set your player at a normal height.

My player is 5'8 and skinny, but as he's a winger, that's not too huge of a problem. As a result, his pace is pretty good and he's pretty useful in attack.

(Edit: Not sure if you're talking about a Player Career or the online be a pro games.) Drop in games are useless - it's pretty important to have a crew that you're comfortable with.

Make sure that you're going in the catalog and buying the upgrades using the Fifa coins that they give you for levelling up in EASFC - that gives you a big boost, particularly if you've been playing for a few years.
Just talking about Player Career. I don't play online much.

I've used the coins. Somehow, I've managed to get 5 star skills and I don't even use that many skills in a game. I'm now a 72 rating and playing on loan for the Whitecaps.
Same here. I made myself... myself. So I'm 6'2". I've worked my pace up 81 and still going but it's a slooooow gain.
The key I have found for my defender that I made was being in the "right" spot at all time. I know it is probably different as an attacking player. This is the one thing that will keep you in the high 6's and 7's. Positioning. I agree, drop in games ruined the be a pro. It used to be a lot better when you could actually pick the kits of team you were using etc.

With that being said... Anyone wanna start a club on FIFA 15 on PS4 I'm game. Would be nice to get to players together and roll some people. I play defense pretty much every game so attacker is open lol.