Hidden gems of life

Those Biscoff cookies that Delta (and maybe some other airlines), serve on flights. You can buy them in stores, but I never do, so I have something to look forward to when I fly. Plus I think I'd get tired of them if I had them more often.

"I'd like an apple juice and the cookies, please. Thank you sky-waitress." Good stuff.
Found their cookie butter at a shop & stop, its a dope spread

5. wafels & dinges
The first bite of a frozen Mallomar.
Marea's Braised Octopus and Bone Marrow Fusilli.
Catching a dozen city lights in a row as they change to green.
Warm sheets.
Hot rolls.
Crawfish boil.
Seeing someone out and about in NYCFC gear.
Being out on the water with no land in sight.
A good Rick Roll.
The Gorilla Grilled Cheese Truck
The first bite of a frozen Mallomar.
Marea's Braised Octopus and Bone Marrow Fusilli.
Catching a dozen city lights in a row as they change to green.
Warm sheets.
Hot rolls.
Crawfish boil.
Seeing someone out and about in NYCFC gear.
Being out on the water with no land in sight.
A good Rick Roll.
The Gorilla Grilled Cheese Truck

i love creole food too, so good
The first bite of a frozen Mallomar.
Marea's Braised Octopus and Bone Marrow Fusilli.
Catching a dozen city lights in a row as they change to green.
Warm sheets.
Hot rolls.
Crawfish boil.
Seeing someone out and about in NYCFC gear.
Being out on the water with no land in sight.
A good Rick Roll.
The Gorilla Grilled Cheese Truck
I think this is my favorite list so far
i have a straight razor and a safety razor and its amazing... ill never use regular disposables again

Same here. I have a few straights actually. Some restored, a few Dovo and 2 Thiers Issard.

The safety is for the days i’m in a rush.

I used to hate shaving. Now I enjoy it.