Marvel Movies (look Back At Phase 1 & 2) And A Look Foward To Josh Brolin's Thanos

Its a funny and good superhero movie. For someone who has invested in the MCU i think they would enjoy it a lot more, however I had a probem with all the plot holes as well.

To enjoy this one, you need to :

a) watch pretty much all the MCU movies so you can understand the references made through the movie.

b) Leave your thinking brain at the door and just go with it.

I've only watched the Avengers Movies in the MCU. Infinity War seemed to click straight away for me without having watched the MCU. This is why for me, Infinity War is the better movie.
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I loved it -- the fan service was amazing.

There were, however, some major potholes and some odd choices that they'll have to address somehow I. The next phase.

I don't know if this is a spoiler-free zone and I can't figure out how to do a spoiler hide.

Here are my plot hole concerns:

Why was Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet significantly more powerful than Thanos with it? Thor came inches away from killing Thanos with the Gauntlet in Part 1, but couldn't put him down without it in Part 2.

Did the people who came back come all just come back in the present? Isn't it going to be a little odd that half the people will have aged 5 years except and half haven't? Will this be dealt with? Peter's friend Ganke appeared unaged and how will they get all of them to still be in High School unless we are to believe every key character in the Spider-Man series was snapped out of existence.

Not a plot-hole per se, but having a character as powerful as Capt Marvel is very difficult to write. Especially when you essentially have to keep having her not be around for important things. She could just as easily be less-powered and have destroyed Thanos' ship some other way. This is the Superman conundrum and one of the reasons Marvel never allowed a character to be that powerful (until the horrendous Sentry nonsense).

Did Cap really go back to the 40s and live an entire life without using his powers? He could have done a lot of good... Does the guy age or does he not age or just age slowly? I guess he would have been well over 100 in that final scene, so he looked damn good. Movie Cap was born in 1918, so we would have been 25 or so when he was frozen. Add another 10 years of living in the present, plus at least another 70-75 or so when he shows up at the end.

That is all -- the battle of Winterfell awaits...
My one glaring question:
Loki steals the blue stone during that one rescue mission and disappears. I mean, that's gotta have some significance in one of the timelines right?
My one glaring question:
Loki steals the blue stone during that one rescue mission and disappears. I mean, that's gotta have some significance in one of the timelines right?
100% has to be tied into a future movie.
My one glaring question:
Loki steals the blue stone during that one rescue mission and disappears. I mean, that's gotta have some significance in one of the timelines right?
There's going to be a Loki series on the new Disney streaming service, so they had to get him back.
Here are my plot hole concerns:
Great analysis. My question about bringing everyone back is, what about all the second wives? I mean, I love my wife and all, but in five years, I'm getting me a second wife. Then all of a sudden first wife shows up at the front door? ... Awkward!
Great analysis. My question about bringing everyone back is, what about all the second wives? I mean, I love my wife and all, but in five years, I'm getting me a second wife. Then all of a sudden first wife shows up at the front door? ... Awkward!
That's a lot of the themes of Manifest (now in summer hiatus, I think).
It's hard to rate Endgame on an overall scale of MCU movies because it requires having seen the vast majority of them, but since I have seen the vast majority of them I'd put it very near the top.

Extremely successful at paying off a lot of emotional weight built up over the last several movies. It's not often you have a huge tentpole superhero movie which is much more about coping with trauma than superheroics and yet it flies by despite a three-hour runtime.