New York at Cincinnatti... U Pick!

Gotham Gator

This is our Pick 'em Thread. Pick the following.
  • score
  • the goalscorers, in order
  • the POTM (Pigeon of the Match)
The contestant picking the correct result (win, lose, draw) and coming closest to the actual score wins a Mug of Ale from me should we ever meet and his/her name permanently enshrined in the Hall of Victory!

Good Luck!

Tiebreakers, in order...
(1) correct result (win, lose, draw)*
(2) closest to the actual score
(3) correctly naming the most goalscorers
(4) correct goalscoring order (by team)
* - a player cannot win by picking a win if the result is a loss (and vice versa)

GIF of the Game

season 6 netflix GIF by Gilmore Girls

Hall of Victory!
CHA - Joe_Cos
STL - Jon
TOR - RunningWise