Only 1st Letter Of Word In Thread Title Can Be Upper-case?


@Falastur @einwindir

Why every time we create new threads do the titles only allow the first letter to capitalized or upper-case? Its really butchering the forums, when you look around and see "Mls" or "Nycfc" or "Epl" every where. Very amateur.

Can we fix that?
It's not default. It's there for search engines. Go to any forums and it's like that. People don't search in caps locks.
Also keeps people from MAKING TITLES LIKE THIS.
Sorry bro but I really can't change it.
It's not default. It's there for search engines. Go to any forums and it's like that. People don't search in caps locks.

I'm sorry for how rude this is going to sound, and I by no means want to attack you personally, but that's bull. Search engines are not case sensitive, just try Googling anything in capslock. Better yet,
And I've been on plenty of forums that allow caps in the titles.

The last bit, about avoiding titles in all caps, is personal preference but valid if you really want to avoid that. The other two excuses are just blowing smoke though.
Sorry but it's a decision I've made and I'm sticking to it.

When you go to any section here you see this.

Thread Title
Thread Title
Thread Title


THREAD title
Thread title
thread title
Thread Title
thread title
I would think that ^ is much more amateur than the first example.

Now isn't the first example much nicer and cleaner? If the trade off is not having MLS or NYCFC then so be it.
As far as the google thing is concerned. You're right, I was mistaken. I was more referring to the URL version of the title which lower cases the entire link. But that's not the same.
The majority of forums I've ever been on use either Thread Title or Thread title.
Yeah I got that, and like I said it is valid as an aesthetic choice. I'm just saying that the other reasons don't really apply. Lots of forums allow block caps in titles and it has no effect on search engines. So don't make excuses for it, just own that it is a personal choice for aesthetic reasons (as you did in the second post).

I wonder if there would be a way to add in common acronyms (like MLS, NYCFC, NYRB, and so on) as an exception to the style, so we could have the best of both worlds?
First thing I did was check to see if there is a way to add exceptions to the rule and there's not. Sorry :/
Being a designer/typographer, this setting drives me nuts, and you're definitely affecting readibility. Words like Nycfc affect reading because you're making the reader stop to figure out the word since we're not used to seeing it written in sentence case. Acronyms should always be capped to not cause this problem that I've mentioned. We read acronyms differently.

I understand the choice to do it for aesthetic reasons, believe me, but the trade off isn't worth it. You and the mods can easily just edit any thread titles that are set in all caps. Heck, I will even help out with editing any titles. I doubt there will be many to begin with.

Also, as @Ahab_Flanders has mentioned, search engines are not case sensitive.

This is the first forum where I've seen such a setting. Very strange.
I'm sorry but I work 50 hours a week with 5+ hours travel time. I'd rather not spend time editing posts.
Here's a thought along the same lines... I pay for the hosting and competitions and prizes why can't you guys just make a trade off and not have an acronym capitalized? Seems like a much smaller sacrifice.
You and the mods can easily just edit any thread titles that are set in all caps.

No, we can't. Just as the forum reformats thread titles to be first letter capitalised only, it also rejects any attempt to alter it. Without changing the forum settings (which Dan has made his feelings clear on above) there is no way for us to turn an Nycfc into an NYCFC.