SI Story on Reyna Family

This is the third incidence of a child dying from a brain tumor that I have come across in my life. One of the other 2 stories was also one I read on the web, written by the girl's father, and it was among the most devastating stories I have ever read. They all share a similar, terrible nature that, to me, separates them from other stories of parents losing children, even others involving different debilitating illnesses. I'm not sure what it is, and I'm not not saying it is worse than other losses.
But damn.
This is the third incidence of a child dying from a brain tumor that I have come across in my life. One of the other 2 stories was also one I read on the web, written by the girl's father, and it was among the most devastating stories I have ever read. They all share a similar, terrible nature that, to me, separates them from other stories of parents losing children, even others involving different debilitating illnesses. I'm not sure what it is, and I'm not not saying it is worse than other losses.
But damn.
It's gut wrenching.
Back to the story for a moment, as I was reading about Jack and Gio, I thought about an NYCFC starting 11 with Jack (Harrison) and Gio (Reyna) playing together. It would have been magical to see.

Possibly my favorite post in the history of this site, for both it's ridiculousness and how much I agree with it.