Initial thoughts from what I remember:
-Great turnout. I'm sure someone can post an official count, but it was at least double the amount that was at the Hatter for the first meeting. It was also noted that they reached 600 paid members today.
-Membership cards were ready for pick up for paid members. Once you picked up your membership card, you received a raffle ticket to place in a container as your vote for a scarf design.
-It was announced that Nevada Smiths is an "official" partner of the Third Rail, and membership cards will give you 10% off at all times. Wasn't clear if that means it'll be the bar to watch away games, but that's what I assume. (I personally am not a fan of bars like Nevada Smiths or Legends, but draft beer was $5 during the meeting today and I can get on board with that.)
-NYC soccer retail store Upper 90 will also give TR members 10% off purchases (great for when the kits are finally released!). TR is working on other ways to take advantage of this partnership.
-Third Rail exclusive seating in the Supporters Section at Yankee Stadium will be sections 236-237. I think it was said that's about 1100 seats. If TR attendance surpasses that number, Chance made it sound like an additional section could be added.
-Third Rail FC has been practicing and will be participating in the Downtown United Supporters Cup. It was announced that there has been a ton of interest in playing and that a Third Rail intramural league is in the works.
That's all I can recall right now.. Hope that quenches your thirst until the audio is posted!