Ben Sweat [Defender]

You're saying they should have picked up a contract option on a player that wasn't all that great beforehand and then tore his ACL?

I kinda get what you're saying, but he got paid his salary while being injured.

thing is though, hes not due to come back probably until april ish ? maybe. with no team now from now till then who is paying for that rehab. and where is he getting that. out of pocket?

i mean even with tony taylor nycfc i think they kept him an extra year even though he was not great.
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Well I'm glad they weren't so bereft that they decided to pack it in for the season LOL
another former nycfc player that goes there. Tmac, Ben Sweat, Ismael Tajouri Shradi- although i think he never actually played a game with them?
I know we talked about Austin being NYCFC lite but not it seems that NER is in the running for this title
I know we talked about Austin being NYCFC lite but not it seems that NER is in the running for this title

it certainly was. Ring, Sweat, Stuver, i think Rocha was with them in a preseason before being cut. Claudio reyna, and even the one of the kitmen went there.