Brek Shea Going To Orlando

I like Brek Shea but I'm interested in learning the details of the contract before saying this is a good move.
By the way - I am a fan of that signing. Not a lot of guys with that pace.

From what Ben Jata has posted, it looks like it is NOT a DP contract. Only way that could be true is if allocation money was used to buy down transfer fee, right?
NYCFC passed on him
Ben Jata reporting he is NOT a DP for them (interesting)
"Others" reporting we are hot and heavy with Mix Diskerud. Don't see the formation with him unless Frank plays RM. Which might make sense.
Here's the "tweet" of most significance...

@Ben_Jata OCSC passed NYCFC in the allocation ranking to grab Brek Shea. Kreis/Reyna not interested, sights set on someone else...

Wasn't that allocation ranking one of the 5647382567 things involved in that coin toss a while back?