Choreography, Banners, Flags, Etc.

is there a reason for no wave, i mean i have seen similar sentiments but always wonder why people dont like it. Though to be fair i mostly see these in national team games.

I don't know about in the US, but in the UK and a lot of the world, the wave (we call it The Mexican Wave because the 1986 World Cup in Mexico was the first time we ever saw it) is associated with being unsatisfied/bored with the game you're watching. If it breaks out at a game, it's basically a sign that you think the players aren't trying and the crowd as one have chosen to stop watching the game and entertain themselves. For the same reason, it is accordingly despised by the more hardcore supporters, who view it as disrespectful to the players and a poor reflection on the fans who do it. Hence, you barely ever see it happen at club games, while it's far more common at national team games where the fans attending are generally much more casual in their support.
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I don't know about in the US, but in the UK and a lot of the world, the wave (we call it The Mexican Wave because the 1986 World Cup in Mexico was the first time we ever saw it) is associated with being unsatisfied/bored with the game you're watching. If it breaks out at a game, it's basically a sign that you think the players aren't trying and the crowd as one have chosen to stop watching the game and entertain themselves. For the same reason, it is accordingly despised by the more hardcore supporters, who view it as disrespectful to the players and a poor reflection on the fans who do it. For that reason, you barely ever see it happen at club games, while it's far more common at national team games where the fans attending are generally much more casual in their support.
This is how i think of it too....
I don't know about in the US, but in the UK and a lot of the world, the wave (we call it The Mexican Wave because the 1986 World Cup in Mexico was the first time we ever saw it) is associated with being unsatisfied/bored with the game you're watching. If it breaks out at a game, it's basically a sign that you think the players aren't trying and the crowd as one have chosen to stop watching the game and entertain themselves. For the same reason, it is accordingly despised by the more hardcore supporters, who view it as disrespectful to the players and a poor reflection on the fans who do it. Hence, you barely ever see it happen at club games, while it's far more common at national team games where the fans attending are generally much more casual in their support.

This makes a lot of sense. I don't think that is the general connotation that it has over here, at least I've never thought of it that way, but before reading this I was more or less indifferent to the wave. Now I'm a bit more firmly against it.
I don't know about in the US, but in the UK and a lot of the world, the wave (we call it The Mexican Wave because the 1986 World Cup in Mexico was the first time we ever saw it) is associated with being unsatisfied/bored with the game you're watching. If it breaks out at a game, it's basically a sign that you think the players aren't trying and the crowd as one have chosen to stop watching the game and entertain themselves. For the same reason, it is accordingly despised by the more hardcore supporters, who view it as disrespectful to the players and a poor reflection on the fans who do it. Hence, you barely ever see it happen at club games, while it's far more common at national team games where the fans attending are generally much more casual in their support.

That is one of the reasons i see people doing it, they are not entertained or dislike the performance ( except in national team games as you say). But in terms of being disrespectful how is booing your own team or saying "ole" for any pass your opponent makes against your team any different? I just don't see the wave as being as that disrespectful as those two examples.

I just wanted to get a feel for why the hate over it, but my opinion hasnt changed at all about the wave, but i respect people's opinion for not liking it.
That is one of the reasons i see people doing it, they are not entertained or dislike the performance ( except in national team games as you say). But in terms of being disrespectful how is booing your own team or saying "ole" for any pass your opponent makes against your team any different? I just don't see the wave as being as that disrespectful as those two examples.

I just wanted to get a feel for why the hate over it, but my opinion hasnt changed at all about the wave, but i respect people's opinion for not liking it.

If you boo or ole, you are either criticising or applauding one team's performance. If you start a Mexican Wave, you're basically giving the middle finger to both teams and to the sport as a whole. It's a bit like turning up to the game and then pulling out a paper and proceeding to read it for the entire match rather than actually watch the action.
It's a bit like turning up to the game and then pulling out a paper and proceeding to read it for the entire match rather than actually watch the action.

For some reason I can see this as a Mr. Bean sketch. He shows up at the stadium happy as can be, finds his seat, unfolds a (comically large) newspaper, and proceeds to wonder why all the other fans are jeering and throwing things at him.
I despise the wave but usually only see it at baseball games where these is a lot of downtime. I never understood seeing it during WC soccer matches as there is constant action but I guess I get it now.
zero flares, zero smoke inside the stadium. I think you can count on that given the Homeland Security designation for Yankee Stadium.

As for Choreography, I'd love to see a big Riverdance type production, any appetite for that?
I'm all for 234-236 doing some coordinated reels. I know a couple on guitar. Let's make this happen.
If you boo or ole, you are either criticising or applauding one team's performance. If you start a Mexican Wave, you're basically giving the middle finger to both teams and to the sport as a whole. It's a bit like turning up to the game and then pulling out a paper and proceeding to read it for the entire match rather than actually watch the action.

I think that's an overreaction, but again this is your opinion and of many on here so I respect it, like I said before I don't see it as bad as other actions taken place but same time I don't see it as a big deal if it is done. Certainly most of the people that do it have paid to see the match( and may even be season ticket holders).

Again, I got a feel for the reasons people dislike it and I thank you for the responses. Though it would be interesting to see how bad peoples responses would be if the wave is actually done at Yankee stadium for nycfc games.
Not a wave fan but did it at games when my kids were younger. they are 14 and 18 now and snarky little fucks who would roll their eyes and shake their heads in disgust at the wave.
That said i would love it if i could get my section 229 to stand at 2:29 into the game and do the a-yo a-yo a-yo chant from the 300 movie or chant whatever team we are playing "sucks"
If you boo or ole, you are either criticising or applauding one team's performance. If you start a Mexican Wave, you're basically giving the middle finger to both teams and to the sport as a whole.

Ha, this is New York, the best (and worst) place for professional sports. If you put a bad product on the field, you're gonna get crap whether you're on our team or their team.

It's like the curse of being a New York Yankee. Yankees are EXPECTED to win the World Series . . . every . . . single . . . year. Anything less is considered a failure.
Hey Third Rail. I got my scarves the other day thank you. Any word on what size poles we will be allowed for our flags? what about smoke canisters (non incendiary of course) I'm guessing no flares
It's like the curse of being a New York Yankee. Yankees are EXPECTED to win the World Series . . . every . . . single . . . year. Anything less is considered a failure.
Especially by the fans. I'm a Yankee fan but realize and remember the ups and downs. NYCFC will have plenty of ups and downs, especially as an expansion team. Let's take that with a grain of salt and be happy to see product on the field initially while rooting HARD for enough wins to make the playoffs in year one!