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Apropos of nothing in particular, shout outs to FootyLovin (2.44), JayH (2.74), Tom in Fairfield CT (2.27), Midas Mulligan (2.33), mgarbowski :cry:(2.12), all of whom have likes : post ratios above 2:1 in spite of being among the most active posters.

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I'm the only current member of the 4,000 Like Club with less than 2,000 messages although NYCFCfan will attain this shortly
First of many flaws in my methodology, I should have looked at the Most Likes page instead of the Most Messages page.

Still need to have a beer with you.
Except for Footy, those guys are all the 2014 crowd & Footy got in not long after. There's a super-secret memo circulating the Dark Web that they all agreed to rep each other at the beginning. For real. It was titled: The 2:1 Cabal

It's what everyone on this forum think of me ! Truth!! I find it strange I'v loaded nothing but criticism towards a certain person I get no response of Wow or what you say is right? Look at what i said to FootyLovin on the Play Off thread and the Reyna thread nothing from not even you ! The Play Off is here . There's so much ridding on this Team ! I'v been thinking This Will Be Andrea's finest hour Goodfella ! All bets are off for being stupid !! This is Heart attack time ! This will be the most Important Games of Andrea's Career ! All the glory from the past is the past ! I guess I'm the only one who thinks this ? All I know is that for All The Shit that's been thrown at me by people you who like me and others I'm very Serious about theses games !! and Mr Pirlo's not getting a pass on Shit no matter how much I feel for him ! STEP UP ANDREA !! NYCFC LET'S DO THIS FUCKIN THING !!!
What is the sound of two thousand forum members calculating their like to post ratio?
Probably the same as 2k members deleting their under-rep'd posts. Gonna be some choppy threads out there that take some interesting leaps in the discussion.
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