Friday offtopic

I'm the only current member of the 4,000 Like Club with less than 2,000 messages although NYCFCfan will attain this shortly
First of many flaws in my methodology, I should have looked at the Most Likes page instead of the Most Messages page.

Still need to have a beer with you.
Except for Footy, those guys are all the 2014 crowd & Footy got in not long after. There's a super-secret memo circulating the Dark Web that they all agreed to rep each other at the beginning. For real. It was titled: The 2:1 Cabal

What is the sound of two thousand forum members calculating their like to post ratio?
Probably the same as 2k members deleting their under-rep'd posts. Gonna be some choppy threads out there that take some interesting leaps in the discussion.
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