Healthy eating

I love animal protein especially Beef! food has no appeal to me if all vegetables. I am a carnivore . and basically have not much struggle with my weight when I follow my rabbit diet as like to call it

1- When I eat a huge steak I drink 2-3 glasses of water or more

2- eat lots of salads with lots of spinach, tomatoes , some sliver of raw onions and add whatever greens you love, but raw uncooked spinach is the most important ingredient for the next 2-3 days use low fat dressing or do my own recipe of freshly mashed garlic , with vinegar , a little olive oil salt and pepper to taste. you can still eat regular food but the salad servings have to be big to fill you up

and this is important even you are starving to death - Eat the salad first

3- try to make a habit of not not eating after 9 pm. its important to keep this- Do Not not miss your lunch or dinner must have a meal before 9 pm otherwise you go to bed hungry and can not focus and all you can think is that juicy ham in your refrigerator. if worse come to worse have bananas / apples or low calorie yogurt and a glass of milk/ water or both.

when I indulge and have put on 5-8 pounds I spend 3-4 days with what I call my rabbit diet ( the spinach, carrots and whatever greens you love( see above) and do this 3-4 days of the week until I loose weight.
snap peas/ snow peas are great to to fill you up - Don't overcook keep them crisp as you steam them.

and don't feel bad if once in a blue moon you eat after 9pm- you had been very busy and had no time to eat.