Maybe he wouldn't catch cold if he wore a shirt with those sleeves
Honestly, it's a very odd time of year to have a cold, but I have coworkers coughing up a storm and even I felt like I had a little runny nose (haven't had a cold in a few years), so something is up.
It’s a sin to leave the gas stove on for 24 hours. If you want a fuller explanation, I suggest contacting your local ConEd representativeIt’s maarit eyin, which means it gives the wrong impression of committing a sin when you’re actually not. Technically, any electronic device left on before Shabbos should remain on, as it’s a sin to turn it off. Since it’s not common practice to leave the TV on, a passerby may assume you’ve committed a sin if you they see you watching. Moreover, you may forget it’s Shabbos and change the channel or volume. If you want a fuller explanation, I suggest contacting your local orthodox rabbi.![]()
New York Red Bulls
QUESTIONABLE: Brian White (ankle)
OUT: Florian Valot (knee)
There's been a little talk that Long is a bit banged up, too, and has been looking tired as of Wednesday. Same with BWP. All the while, I feel we're trending up.SUSPENDED- TAREK
Someone told me that according to the Chinese calendar it became autumn as of August 8. Apparently ragweed allergies have started acting up already. Allergies take a toll on the immune system as I understand it so maybe that's what's up.Honestly, it's a very odd time of year to have a cold, but I have coworkers coughing up a storm and even I felt like I had a little runny nose (haven't had a cold in a few years), so something is up.
Someone told me that according to the Chinese calendar it became autumn as of August 8. Apparently ragweed allergies have started acting up already. Allergies take a toll on the immune system as I understand it so maybe that's what's up.
Sleep well LionNYC.
That was the post of the season. Shame it was removed by #MODLion
The last time I had a good night like that was in Vegas. I think... was there 5 nights and only remember what I did during the days.Fuck it. This is a derby. It's back up.
There's been a little talk that Long is a bit banged up, too, and has been looking tired as of Wednesday. Same with BWP. All the while, I feel we're trending up.
Besides NYCFC Forums and Reddit, this a journal post rather than Tweet. I'm a little tipsy and not drunk, but I can't drive a car now. Thank you Uber and Amex Plat for $15 Uber Credits as month plus $20 on December. I still am posting with "perfect" grammar and spelling because I'm not super drunk because I'm never been super drunk, though finishing a bottle from a date that ended weird though good? Weird. Really weird. Good? I'm not at all sure. Taking her to this game? I'm a worrier than a warrior. That's a phase from business undergrad school. Whoops. Anyway. Growing up I dreamed things that actually happened. Maybe that's because I studied hard and knew that would happened in test and exams. But I see either us winning +1 or losing -2. I feel bad so maybe it's losing, but I really, really want to win. Come On City. Watching NY1 because that's the first channel on my TV when I turn it on. I didn't even change the channel after 30 minutes when writing this, walking around, still drinking. Nothing about our game, why not? NYCFC vs. New Jersey is the biggest game in the metro area tomorrow. I'm an awkward person in meeting before knowing me before 5 minutes. LionMOD, LionNYC is just a social media personality. COME ON CITY. I WANT A WIN. I WANT TATY 2+ GOAL EVN WITH COLD. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT IN MY LIFE, #YangGang, but I want a win tomorrow. Should I post this? Or just deleted it because I've done that after typing everything before posting because I don't want on internet. FUCK THAT! NYCFC is my favorite thing in my life, it's literally the social calendar 1st thing. Biggest thing in my life. That is sad. But Red Bulls fans are sadder. HAHA! I'm still young. Okay, I'm posting thing. Like it, replying it. I don't care. I care about soccer. I want soccer more important in this country. I gave love signs to Orlando fans when they scored goaded in the PK vs. Orlando before I was assaulted by Orlando fans. What? Yeah, they stole my scarf but I got a new one form Third Rail that I'm taking to away days. I don't know. I don't blackout (yet). This is the top of NYCFC Forums. It's on 1:00 AM shittttttttt. This is a caller for Keaton Parks, Ring to score a goal. I want to celebrate in Pitchside. NYCFC Intern who you know I am, right? I'm laughing now. Love you all.
Check, this is the right thread. I'm going to keep season ticket even if we won't get soccer stadium because soccer is still fun at Yankee Stadium and getting there is easier. Soccer is shit there but it's not turf but getting through a 4 train is easy. Um, I'm still typing and it might be an hour because I saw the same video on NY1 already now. A weird a 1:07 AM, oh shot. This is going to be great by NYCFC fans and those assholes weird Red Bulls fans that check this website though don't post at all. Drinking three from the Met museum rooftop plus 80% from that I can't read now because I'm cursive. I drank international beer before from competitive political exam and got an A. It's 1:15 AM. Still soon since I started this. I should go to sleep, wake up, see an NYCFC win, and go to sleep afterward. Players are sleep now. Dome is listening to jazz on his sleep, saw him in a grocery store in the city earlier. He actually lives close to me. de Blasio is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. West Wing plus Mad Men are the best tv shows. I saw Apocalypse Now at Lincoln Square and Spike Lee was sitting behind me....Fell in love with blue. Posting!
EDIT (while still tonight): Heber should shoot our penalty kicks. Not Moralez.
EDIT II: There's a jazz segment about Miles Davis. Dome loves jazz. We're going to win. I'm probably wake up around 10-11 AM.