The solutions are simple, either raise the compensation rate to match the actual average league market value of the players selected, or eliminate the draft and just give new clubs even more bonus GAM than we already do. I expect the $50k GAM compensation amount is the same as our draft before 2015, when the overall player budget was much lower, there was a lot less GAM around, and TAM didn't exist. Today, $50k buys you one-fifth of an international player slot.
I think keeping the draft with higher compensation makes more sense. Letting expansion clubs acquire a limited number of 2nd and 3rd tier players automatically has merit. But imposing the cost semi-randomly on <20% of the clubs in the league makes no sense.
I think keeping the draft with higher compensation makes more sense. Letting expansion clubs acquire a limited number of 2nd and 3rd tier players automatically has merit. But imposing the cost semi-randomly on <20% of the clubs in the league makes no sense.