I'ts time for FIFA to stop "gaslighting" goalkeepers

Michael Varn

Ever since the 1990 World Cup, goalkeepers have not been able to pick up the ball when it is played back to them. It is time for this to end. It has gone on long enough. Goalkeepers have looked like complete idiots by giving up the most rediculous goals! There is a reason for this. Goalkeepers have to spend the lion's share of their time on the practice pitch useing their hands, not their feet. They do not have time to practice dealing with balls that role right to them or near them at various speeds with their feet the way their team mates do.

But FIFA rules say they can't pick it up. I cannot believe this is still going on with top flight professionals
and internationals. Iam sure this situation is worse on the amateur level. You have adults goalkeepers who look like their playing like 10 year olds sometimes when this happens. Sometimes they miss the ball entirely, and when they fall on their backside, they can do nothing to stop à slow rolling ball that enters the net. I understand that the new rule was implemented to prevent delay of game, but FIFA should let the keeper pick it up once especially if there is pressure. But yes, if it's like 5 times in a row there should be a penalty.

Now, if anyone does not agree or understand what I am saying here, I would like to draw your attention to another world cup final. Russia 2018. Take a look at how Croatia scored their second goal. Role tape! W.C. 1990 led to this rule, but W.C. 2018 should be the one that ends it!

Now granted that goal was not consequential, but if it was 1-2 Croatia instead of France 4-2, I would not allow the goal to count if I was the réffery. If this happens late in a game, we are going into extra time 1-1. I would be more concerned with FIFA's fair play mission, even though the goal was legal. I wonder if the reffery does have some type of discrétion to dissallow goals like this if they are the décideing factor? The point is it would be a trajedy if this happened in a future world cup final, let alone any other major tournament when it could be very costly.

So FIFA, if you are listening, please change the rule. Let them pick the ball up, And when they do, all other soccer governing bodies will follow, because this is more of a crisis in amateur as well as youth soccer. My playing days were over before before 1990, but If I had to deal with this as a GK fom the 1980's, I would have probably played another sport.
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Can I use this spelling of the word? Do I have to give credit to you each time I do so going forward?
I like it too, I think we need to submit to formal request to Webster's dictionary to change referee to réffery**.

**Varn, Michael. August 25, 2020. NYCFC Forums Post #310019
To each his own. Many baseball purists HATE the DH rule even though pitchers look like clowns when they are at the plate. Similar concept.

Playing the ball with your feet is a fundamental part of the game, all players should be comfortable with it to a minimum degree.

I wouldn't be opposed to amending the rule, giving a corner kick in place of a red card/Direct kick. It would allow the keeper an outlet from a terrible situation without the harsh penalty, and would be enough of a disincentive against use of it to waste time. With that being said, it's a team failure if the keeper has the ball under pressure and if it ends up costing you a goal, well your defenders should have either provided an outlet or never given you the ball in the first place.

However, of all rules i'd like to see changed or amended, this rule does not crack high on my list.
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Respectfully, we will simply have to agree to disagree. But I can guarantee you this: (And if you are an active or former goalkeeper on this forum, please back me up here)

If a goalkeeper in the modern era starting in the early 1990's had the option of picking up the ball when it is played back to them, or in their general direction, all of them would choose to exercice this option if it was available to them! Especially if there is pressure to play the ball quickly.
If a goalkeeper in the modern era starting in the early 1990's had the option of picking up the ball when it is played back to them, or in their general direction, all of them would choose to exercice this option if it was available to them! Especially if there is pressure to play the ball quickly.

I mean yeah of course they would exercise the option. It's the same as saying:
If a play had the option to use their hands to pick up the ball and throw it, all of them would choose to exercise this option if it was available to them!

It doesn't make the game more fun, and they clearly instituted it because it was one of the worst things about the game at the time. Repealing this would ruin the game, hands down. And saying that a corner kick would deter people from doing it is wrong because that's a great way to waste time.

oh - also, goalkeepers do little enough as is versus what other players have to do in running around for an entire game... It's really not the end of the world for someone aspiriing to be a goalkeeper to add in just a little effort to work with their feet well. Isn't that the point of the sport?