Mix Diskerud to Man City OFFICIAL

By the way, if you want an amusing take on the transfer of Mix to Man City, you can't do better than the most recent Planet Futbol podcast with Grant Wahl and Brian Straus.
By the way, if you want an amusing take on the transfer of Mix to Man City, you can't do better than the most recent Planet Futbol podcast with Grant Wahl and Brian Straus.
The one that came out today? That seems to be two interviews about topics unrelated to Mix. The show notes about Monday's episode also say nothing about Mix.
The one that came out today? That seems to be two interviews about topics unrelated to Mix. The show notes about Monday's episode also say nothing about Mix.

It’s the most recent one with Brian Straus. I am having trouble finding it now on my phone because the new iPhone Podcast interface is close to unusable.
It’s the most recent one with Brian Straus. I am having trouble finding it now on my phone because the new iPhone Podcast interface is close to unusable.
I found it. It is actually the next to most recent one because, yes, the interface and feed is a mess. For some reason it hides the newest episode on some parts of the app.
I found it. It is actually the next to most recent one because, yes, the interface and feed is a mess. For some reason it hides the newest episode on some parts of the app.
If you or Gotham Gator figure it out, maybe a post.

I end up just choosing whatever seems least objectionable, rather than what I want to listen to, because I have no idea where anything is.
If you or Gotham Gator figure it out, maybe a post.

I end up just choosing whatever seems least objectionable, rather than what I want to listen to, because I have no idea where anything is.
It's the episode about Beckham and Miami finally getting a team. The Mix segment starts about 22 minutes in.
It's the episode about Beckham and Miami finally getting a team. The Mix segment starts about 22 minutes in.
I meant using the podcast app in iOS.

I have just about gotten to the point I’m unable to listen to Wahl. And Sciaretta knows his shit when it’s stuff he knows. Problem is he acts like everything “American soccer” is something he knows. He’s the FIGJAM of Am. Soccer journalism.
No. It's a mess. But I almost never listen to podcasts unless someone recommends something specific.

You're missing out. I listen to probably 10 hours worth of podcasts a week. Lots of good variety out there for whatever your interests are
You're missing out. I listen to probably 10 hours worth of podcasts a week. Lots of good variety out there for whatever your interests are
I can't listen to people talk. They take too long to get to the point, and meander around too much. So I try to multitask until I realize I just missed something that was actually interesting then have to rewind back, until I'm just "shut the fuck up already and write a damn column so I can take 5 minutes to read what you took 55 minutes to say!"
I can't listen to people talk. They take too long to get to the point, and meander around too much. So I try to multitask until I realize I just missed something that was actually interesting then have to rewind back, until I'm just "shut the fuck up already and write a damn column so I can take 5 minutes to read what you took 55 minutes to say!"

I get annoyed when we’ve discussed their topics here and they are missing facts and sometimes just plain wrong. It’s nice to hear NYCFC conversations, but do some research.
I get annoyed when we’ve discussed their topics here and they are missing facts and sometimes just plain wrong. It’s nice to hear NYCFC conversations, but do some research.

Exception: Stadium Thread. Where anything is possible.
Interesting. Says he is just there for training. Seems odd as I don't know why Goteborg would need a look since Mix has been in the league for a year now. Article also says Jack McInerney is in camp too.