More interesting to me than the unfounded "Whaaaa :cry: MCFC is going to steal our players" drama is the the question of how the league owning our players would affect any transfers. Imagine Harrison becomes the world class player we all think he's capable of being. After 3 years with NYCFC, MCFC is willing to pay $4 mil for Harrison yet all MCFC fans worst nightmare happens and Man U says we will give you $6 mil for him. Does MLS, technically the holder of Harrison's contract defer to CFG an MLS owner and turn down the extra $2 mil or go after the money? If they ever would consider taking the higher pay out how big would the gap have to be? 5mil vs 5.2mil?
Depending on which way they go what's the fall out? If they go for the lower money do the other owners in MLS who all share some of that transfer money freak out? Do the non MCFC fans of the team freak out because it cost us GAM? What happens if they go the other way and take the money? Do the MFCF fans of NYCFC and all MCFC fans across the world loose it because they assumed they are entitled to first dibs on a player as a result of the affiliation? Many of which especially the non-US based MCFC fans probably don't even realize that CFG technically doesn't hold Harrison's contract. That's a much more interesting what if to me.
For the record I'm an NYCFC fan first, Arsenal Fan when it comes to the PL, and natural at this point on CFG. I just like interesting hypotheticals more than preemptive whining ones.