New D3: NISA

With the way the fans in Columbus are being treated, I wouldn't be surprised if attendance went UP out of spite.

Imagine a Columbus Crew v Detroit City rivalry in the NISA in 2019.

I quite doubt that MLS would sell the trademarks to an NISA group, unfortunately. Columbus 1996 SC?

columbus crew or columbus crew sc i feel are taken thats why i took crew of columbus sc to see if its different enough

but columbus 1996 sc could work...or 1996 Columbus Sc

still....the stadium is there.....maybe with better marketing they can do well attendance wont be the big market attendances but it doesnt mean you give up on it.
With the way the fans in Columbus are being treated, I wouldn't be surprised if attendance went UP out of spite.

Imagine a Columbus Crew v Detroit City rivalry in the NISA in 2019.

I quite doubt that MLS would sell the trademarks to an NISA group, unfortunately. Columbus 1996 SC?

EDIT: This whole thing is so weird. Can't believe we might be losing Columbus.
Who cares about trademarks when the alphabet is on your side:

Columbus Crewe
I'm hoping we see some good Premier League-style "fill-in-the-blank Out" banners all over the stadium. Might be the only good thing we get out of this.
I know that something, something, vested interests and bias, but situations like this and the way that franchise owners try to hold their localities hostage in exchange for taxpayer relief on stadia is really why I will always support any and all initiatives to make moving teams outside of their existing communities to be against competition rules.