NYCFC Player Nicknames

Guys, if possible, please provide the meaning behind the nickname - it might be ovious to you, but not others

JGarrettLieb and Gotham Gator could you update your posts with some of the meanings? Thanks much!
I remember seeing it elsewhere, but didn't know who. The Maginot Line is not remembered for its effectiveness, to put it mildly.

Funny that they have hardly ever played together as a pair.
maginot line was very effective. thats why germany avoided it all together and attacked through the lowlands i.e belgium AKA ben sweat.... the sweatlands... nah nevermind, wont stick to tangential.
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Even "The Maginot Line"?
okay - you had one with a little sting.
but "Makem Sweat"?
maginot line was very effective. thats why germany avoided it all together and attacked through the lowlands i.e belgium AKA ben sweat.... the sweatlands... nah nevermind, wont stick to tangential.
I know what you mean. Briefly considered (even registered the domain) "Maginot Strategy" as the name for a consulting venture, but I ultimately had to abandon it as too clever. Although, probably would have been a decent litmus test for whether a not a potential client was thoughtful enough to be helped.
maginot line was very effective. thats why germany avoided it all together and attacked through the lowlands i.e belgium AKA ben sweat.... the sweatlands... nah nevermind, wont stick to tangential.

Well, it didn't prevent the Germans from going right around it and then wherever they wanted in France. Paris fell less than 5 weeks after the invasion started.

The Maginot Line: Strong but immobile. You can play right around it and into the goal.
Guys, if possible, please provide the meaning behind the nickname - it might be ovious to you, but not others

JGarrettLieb and Gotham Gator could you update your posts with some of the meanings? Thanks much!

I added a few that were less obvious.

Slosh for Saunders had to do with his propensity to spill the ball.

okay - you had one with a little sting.
but "Makem Sweat"?

Not one of my favorites, admittedly, but what else to do with that name? It begs for something, but nothing seems to really work.

Like many, it's basically neutral (not positive or negative). If anything, it's a plea.

I'll let you do the insulting ones. You have both stronger inclination and proclivity in that area.
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I added a few that were less obvious.

Slosh for Saunders had to do with his propensity to spill the ball.

Not one of my favorites, admittedly, but what else to do with that name? It begs for something, but nothing seems to really work.

Like many, it's basically neutral (not positive or negative). If anything, it's a plea.

I'll let you do the insulting ones. You have both stronger inclinations and proclivity in that area.
Thanks! I'll add most of them, but not all - like ones for Chanot (Don't Chanot), Brillant (Brilliant!), and Marratita (Hey Matarrita!) are more phrases and/or not really nicknames
I added a few that were less obvious.

Slosh for Saunders had to do with his propensity to spill the ball.

Not one of my favorites, admittedly, but what else to do with that name? It begs for something, but nothing seems to really work.

Like many, it's basically neutral (not positive or negative). If anything, it's a plea.

I'll let you do the insulting ones. You have both stronger inclination and proclivity in that area.
Well "No Sweat" works either positively or negatively, and it captures his propensity to continually look like he CBA to hustle/track back/close down/etc., despite having made the roster as a trialist.
Chanot and Brillant: French Resistance (both are French) - or if performing poorly, the Maginot Line (failed defensive fortification in WWII)

Chanot is Luxembourgish, not French.

I think Ring was called somewhere a Honey Badger, obviously because of his aggressive tackling.