NYCFC Player Nicknames

Correction! I listened again and it was very hard to hear, but he actually goes
"Eben" (ofori), "J.P." (juan pablo torrez), "Keaton" so if you could fix that!

Thanks! Made the following updates:
  • Eben was already listed since Viera called him this, but added note about Dome too
  • Added JP for Torrez
  • Removed Keaton all together since it's just his name
  • Added Jimmy for Sands
Added Mackay-Steven; where'd you hear about Eric Miller?
He says it in his intro video at the very end. I posted about it in the Eric Miller thread, please check that so no reposts needed! :)

He says it in his intro video at the very end. I posted about it in the Eric Miller thread, please check that so no reposts needed! :)

thanks! was just watching that when I saw your reply. Added Eric Miller - we can clarify the spelling if we ever see it written out