Preseason - All Matches

Won't believe it until I see it on the stream, but the matches for the Suncoast Tournament are to be played in the IMG Academy Stadium (i.e. their Football Stadium.... real grand stands, not adjacent to construction, etc). This should help with the view during the webcast since the camera should be elevated. Makes sense since that first match really wasn't a true game but more of a glorified scrimmage, whereas this is billed as an actual tournament.
Won't believe it until I see it on the stream, but the matches for the Suncoast Tournament are to be played in the IMG Academy Stadium (i.e. their Football Stadium.... real grand stands, not adjacent to construction, etc). This should help with the view during the webcast since the camera should be elevated. Makes sense since that first match really wasn't a true game but more of a glorified scrimmage, whereas this is billed as an actual tournament.
But will it be streamed by NYCFC for free? That is the question. Cause I'm probably not the only one who will only watch it if it's free...
Won't believe it until I see it on the stream, but the matches for the Suncoast Tournament are to be played in the IMG Academy Stadium (i.e. their Football Stadium.... real grand stands, not adjacent to construction, etc). This should help with the view during the webcast since the camera should be elevated. Makes sense since that first match really wasn't a true game but more of a glorified scrimmage, whereas this is billed as an actual tournament.
I looked back in the IMG archives and found some football (the wrong type) games that were played in something of a stadium. The camera was better, though not as good as the Montreal match the other night. They also had commentators. If we got that, it is watchable. Here's hoping.
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Maybe someone with one of those tweeter accounts the kids have these days can tweeter NYCFC fan services (and/or IMG) and see if they know anything about tonight's broadcast as far as quality and commentators, etc. They seem to be pretty responsive.
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IMG Academy is a huge powerhouse for high school sports, especially their basketball team. Coaches get houses and cars - it's insane.
Football is bigger for them. Players' families uproot and move to IMG so that their kids can essentially play on an all-star team for 1-4 years - they have the talent of an All-Freshman College team if you go by the ratings services. They aren't even part of the Florida High School league.... they travel around the country and play whichever teams are rated the best in their state, Texas, California, wherever. Think about that - the school pays for travel/lodging for 40+ players multiple times each year.

Their biggest downside in football is the head coach - he's a spread-option (run) offense guy so he's not even properly preparing the players for pro-style passing programs, but that works well for the gimmicky college teams like Auburn.... but I digress....
Football is bigger for them. Players' families uproot and move to IMG so that their kids can essentially play on an all-star team for 1-4 years - they have the talent of an All-Freshman College team if you go by the ratings services. They aren't even part of the Florida High School league.... they travel around the country and play whichever teams are rated the best in their state, Texas, California, wherever. Think about that - the school pays for travel/lodging for 40+ players multiple times each year.

Their biggest downside in football is the head coach - he's a spread-option (run) offense guy so he's not even properly preparing the players for pro-style passing programs, but that works well for the gimmicky college teams like Auburn.... but I digress....
Hey, Shea Patterson and my Rebels would like a word with you...that kid is a baller.
Your Rebels have a problem with their Bag Men doing things not so discreetly.

NOTE: I have no problem with this fuck the NCAA, free market take what you're worth.

NOTE: I have no problem with this fuck the NCAA, free market take what you're worth.
Every team has Bag Men - it's just the way of the land - but there's discreet and then there's not so discreet. The NCAA sucks, but making it obvious and rubbing it in their faces is just asking for a second look.
I believe the NCAA is looking to have a word with your Rebels as well.
Every team has Bag Men - it's just the way of the land - but there's discreet and then there's not so discreet. The NCAA sucks, but making it obvious and rubbing it in their faces is just asking for a second look.
Eh... I'd be surprised if football suffers more than 6 scholarships over 3 years and a couple of years of "probation". The only real issue is the David Saunders stuff, and he's been gone for 6 years after getting fired. He already has received an 8 year show cause. Only current stuff is pretty much Tunsil, and he sat for 7 games before the NCAA reinstated him.

There's not a single pay for play allegation. Besides, if we were paying people, why wouldn't we close better? We missed on 4/5 of our final targets. So if we are paying, others must be paying at least as much. I think most kids get the same money no matter where they sign, so they end up signing where they want.

I could be wrong, but I don't think so. They want us to vacate wins from Nutt, who cares. We won like 3 games his last two years after he ran the program into the ground.
Going to be hard going from that impressive feed from the Rowdys back to the garbage IMG feed. Lets hope the speculation that it will be better from the stadium is true.
Pretty sure the rowdies used their normal TV broadcast set up. They were doing replays in the stadium and all that good stuff. They had a number of cameras going.