Roster Updates


Seasoned Supporter
Noticed some of the roster information is a little outdated - some of the guys are missing their player numbers and the pictures aren't always the best/current

Not complaining, though - I know you guys have your hands full - just wanted to let you know :)
If you can wait about 5-6 hours, I'll update it when I get back home. Honestly, I'd kind of forgotten about it - I've been pretty busy with work this last month.
Haha it's a bit of a pain to do especially since I don't have a computer. It's all code since it's a blank page so it's a bit hard to do. Did the whole thing on my cell phone.
Please don't go crazy - I really appreciate all that you guys do to keep the forums up and running on your free time
All good man. I'm At work till 11 tonight. That's the only reason I tagged Dave and Matt. Otherwise I'd be on it right now
I updated the info in the roster section itself. If you come across anything else that seems incorrect let me know.
The Roster page on the tab at the top of the screen has now been updated also. Some pictures for new(er) players are missing, but they will be added a little later.