...so Did Memphis Steal Our Crest?

Did everyone forget about Melbourne City FC's logo? Lol and they were founded before us
""""Good writers borrow, great writers steal." - T.S. Elliot" - Sam Seaborn" - LionNYC"
The Memphis letters don't interlock. Ours do and so does Madrid.
Our font is closer to RM than Memphis (but they're all different).
Memphis has two colors, we have 3. Madrid also has 3.
Potato, potahto.
I just remember seeing someone wearing a RM jersey on the subway a few months ago and it struck me that there was a sort-of, kind of, similarity to the logos, aside from the major difference of the crown. Never suggested we ripped them off. Had the same reaction to Memphis and us.
Definitely think ours is way different from Madrid. We actually have 4 colors in ours anyway. Interlocking letters yes, but I'm sure there are other clubs with interlocking letters and a circle crest (even if RM doesn't technically have a circle since hat crown is part of it). Memphis is was closer to ours than ours is to Real.