So What's The Story??

Angela Miller

Something has had me Baffled the whole time I'v been with this team ?? I wonder if anyone could help or give their opinion on without a slam against me Please?! Yes I Admit my ignorance to things that have importance to those on this forum ! But What's the story of the blonde hair Twat Exercise Coach with the English accent??

I Can't Stand Him !! Who is he ? How did or better still keeps his job? He's a Loud Mouth Bully I Slap the Crap out of in a heartbeat!! How could he have such an Important roll in this team ? Look at some of the Dumb Ass Exercises he makes them do in warm ups and in training all the while yelling at and whistle like they're dogs ! For Fuck's Sake he's got them rolling on the ground !! What the Hell? How is this good ???

Okay I will be accused of bringing everything back to Andrea . True ! But that's how it is folks. In this case look at the Video ! Judge for your self it's all there plain as day !! You tell me ! It's just a stupid little Tennis game with No Importance at all . Just meaningless fun . But the whole time all i can hear is his loud ass voice like some Army Drill Sargent ! Then at the End he won't shake Andrea's hand,

Hey F Y Ahole ! Your just some no name dickhead ! My Andrea's a world class World Cup Champions League 5 time in a row Seri A winner and that's just for starters ! This is the way you treat him. Be Lucky it is him ! If his last name were Balotelli , Buffon, Chiellini, or worse Gattuso his ass would be flat in moment ! Then it can be his turn to roll around on the ground looking like the Ass he is ! Am I right NickA ? I'd pay to see that ! So then if he dose this to Andrea can you imagine how he is with the rest of the team ? Makes me sick for them!

My Andrea walks away at the end That's a man ! That's fine Wine ! Something this low life Cock Sucker will never know ! He's too busy being what the English say a Wanker ! Here's the Evidence folks !!

This is by far your worst post and contribution here. In fact the worst post all time. Really just a dick thing to say about someone you don't even know.
I respect your opinion this is your forum ! I didn't set out to make this my best ! As Always you have my Apology for upsetting you ! This was not my intention at all ! A lot of my friends , family and co workers have seen this video and All respond the same with negative remarks on how they enjoy seeing it until the end !

I work with people who play and coach . and have regular customers who come in that are players or coaches and when they've seen this video are Outraged and Offended ! One of my customers is a huge Ibrahimovic fan and what I said is tame next to what he's said . I just didn't put that in . You would have been sent to the Moon over his remarks . Again I'm Sorry Boss ! Thanks !:(
Admittedly, not the best photo of him...Kristian Wilson, Performance Coach

I've said hello to him at every game during warmups Pitchside. He's a very nice and genuine guy.

Calm down, Angela.
I'm glad to see this guy's been nice to you and that you respect him! But your not a player that has to put up or be forced to go through his drills . RIGHT ! I wonder then the next time you have another chance to speak to him again will you have the guts enough to ask if he's liked by the team ? Or when you meet one of players will you ask if they like him?? I just wonder what those answers will be ? and if you can take what's being told to you ? Thanks LionNYC I'm calm ! Have a good weekend !:p
