Stadium Discussion

It's a bit counter to my normal style as well, but I want it to feel unique somehow. Something different. Something to remind us we are no longer in a baseball stadium, and something to intimidate other teams that says "this is New York."
Same for me – the idea of trying to replicate an English or other-European atmosphere seems bogus.

American hyper-realism is a real thing though. If we could find some way to comment on hyper-realism in a way that still creates an intimidating atmosphere, that could be interesting.
Same for me – the idea of trying to replicate an English or other-European atmosphere seems bogus.

American hyper-realism is a real thing though. If we could find some way to comment on hyper-realism in a way that still creates an intimidating atmosphere, that could be interesting.

A giant pretty pineapple like the Hudson Yards?
Damn that’s depressing to look back on. What a waste of our time it was to answer that survey. Did they do that:
  1. because there really was something in the works that fell through;
  2. because Populous wanted broad market research for another project elsewhere and NYCFC said, sure, our STH’s have time to waste;
  3. because Stadium market research doesn’t go stale so might as well get it done early;
  4. to troll us; or
  5. to make us think something might actually happen soon.
It's straight out of the Bob Kraft playbook. Something like this always pops up for Rev fans right around renewal time.
I’m sure there are other fine people who feel that way.

I am not one of them.
Something that makes me think of this would be nice:

Tinfoil hat time. What if part of our deal with Rockafeller Center is that we build a mini Rockafeller Center in the stadium.


Domè Torrent as Jack Donaghy
Justin Haak as Liz Lemon
Kwame Awuah as Tracy Jordan
Tommy McNamara as Frank
James Sands as Kenneth
Ben Sweat as Dennis Duffy
Mark Booth as Wesley Snipes

Domè Torrent as Jack Donaghy
Justin Haak as Liz Lemon
Kwame Awuah as Tracy Jordan
Tommy McNamara as Frank
James Sands as Kenneth
Ben Sweat as Dennis Duffy
Mark Booth as Wesley Snipes

Ibeagha and Abdul-Salaam as Grizz and Dot Com
Jesus Medina as Jonathan
? as Cerie
Please please PLEASE stop talking politics that do not directly affect the club/league.

Zilch, nada, nothing..... unless there are mass riots going on in the streets and the post is to either advise us to lock our doors or to pick up our pitch forks to join in. And even then, think twice before posting.
Very first time I ever did so and it was a reply to someone who made an interesting comment and the whole conversation seemed civil.

That said, noted, and no problem.
Very first time I ever did so and it was a reply to someone who made an interesting comment and the whole conversation seemed civil.

That said, noted, and no problem.
There was no issue with your comment, it was completely civil, but any conversation about politics (non-Soccer related) can very quickly spiral into a cesspool of awfulness with a single reply, so the sane, safe, and sanitized solution is to just refrain from any and all political talk on a Soccer forum.

That said, thanks for your understanding and cooperation.