Stadium Discussion


^binary solo

^han solo
But in all seriousness, where are we on the Ringelmann smoke scale in terms of a stadium deal near the GAL Elevator location? Seems like we are at least a 2 right now, with a couple of low level rumors pointing to it being (1) preferred, (2) active, and (3) progressing.


Or, if you prefer more granularity, feel free to use the Bacharach scale:

But in all seriousness, where are we on the Ringelmann smoke scale in terms of a stadium deal near the GAL Elevator location? Seems like we are at least a 2 right now, with a couple of low level rumors pointing to it being (1) preferred, (2) active, and (3) progressing.


Or, if you prefer more granularity, feel free to use the Bacharach scale:

I prefer the Burt Bacharach scale. Hoping we are at “Ti.”
Why are bond prices important? It’s over my head, I am a truck driver with a BA in philosophy.
A major change change in prices would indicate speculation surrounding the underlying asset. The speculation in this case would be that investors believe a stadium deal will bail out the bondholders. There has not been any recent change, but as noted above, they have increased dramatically from their lows. The only real reason for that would be that some type of deal might be imminent.
A major change change in prices would indicate speculation surrounding the underlying asset. The speculation in this case would be that investors believe a stadium deal will bail out the bondholders. There has not been any recent change, but as noted above, they have increased dramatically from their lows. The only real reason for that would be that some type of deal might be imminent.
Could other things affect the bond price though? Like other development somewhere in the city?