Stadium Discussion

NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

*Need for a (Solid WHITE) FIFA regulated clean classic Goal Net!

The tricolored sloppy zip-tied homemade unprofessional looking jerry-rigged Goal Net NEEDS to be replaced with a Solid WHITE clean classic, professional looking non-distracting Goal Net going forward.

NYCFC_Updates6.png NYCFC_Updates13.png NYCFC_Updates14.png
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NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

*Need for a (Solid WHITE) FIFA regulated clean classic Corner Flag Pole!

As of now they just made a quick change to Light Blue corner flag poles, it does NOT look good with the tricolored City Corner Flag. Too many colors going on with the corner flags and poles, it should not have 4 colors. It looks too busy, homemade and unprofessional. If the tricolored City Corner Flag is going to be utilized the pole itself should be WHITE. And the Poles should match the color of the white field lines. If Light Blue corner flag poles are going to be utilize, the flag itself should be white. Keep it simple, clean, classic and timeless.

NYCFC_Updates11.png NYCFC_Updates12.png
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NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

*Need for a (Solid WHITE) FIFA regulated clean classic Corner Flag Pole!

As of now they just made a quick change to Light Blue corner flag poles, it does NOT look good with the tricolored City Corner Flag. Too many colors going on with the corner flags and poles, it should not have 4 colors. It looks too busy, homemade and unprofessional. If the tricolored City Corner Flag is going to be utilized the pole itself should be WHITE. And the Poles should match the color of the white field lines. If Light Blue corner flag poles are going to be utilize, the flag itself should be white. Keep it simple, clean, classic and timeless.

View attachment 8428 View attachment 8429

I can't tell if this is a joke or this guy is being serious...
NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

The incredibly cheesy exhaust stacks need to be removed asap! First off they look incredibly tacky, this should NOT be in a shrine of baseball. We do not need to be reminded of New York City's poor air quality and there's no need to add to it, not to mention the visual of never-ending continual repairs and construction on NYC’s crumbling infrastructure. Nor do we as New York Soccer fans want to portray that stereotype. We as fans would like to see this team promote itself as a high-end professional looking Sports franchise! Not a ghetto entity.

NYCFC_Updates1.png NYCFC_Updates2.png
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NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

The incredibly cheesy exhaust stacks need to be removed asap! First off they look incredibly tacky, this should NOT be in a shrine for baseball. We do not need to be reminded of New York City's poor air quality and continual pollution, and there's no need to add to it. Nor do we as New York Soccer fans want to portray that stereotype. We would like to see this team promote itself as a high-end Sports franchise, NOT a ghetto entity!

View attachment 8431 View attachment 8432

I have no idea what's going on but these posts are art and I love them.
NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

*Need for a (Solid WHITE) FIFA regulated clean classic Goal Net!

The tricolored sloppy zip-tied homemade unprofessional looking jerry-rigged Goal Net NEEDS to be replaced with a Solid WHITE clean classic, professional looking non-distracting Goal Net going forward.

View attachment 8430 View attachment 8426 View attachment 8427
NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

*Need for a (Solid WHITE) FIFA regulated clean classic Corner Flag Pole!

As of now they just made a quick change to Light Blue corner flag poles, it does NOT look good with the tricolored City Corner Flag. Too many colors going on with the corner flags and poles, it should not have 4 colors. It looks too busy, homemade and unprofessional. If the tricolored City Corner Flag is going to be utilized the pole itself should be WHITE. And the Poles should match the color of the white field lines. If Light Blue corner flag poles are going to be utilize, the flag itself should be white. Keep it simple, clean, classic and timeless.

View attachment 8428 View attachment 8429
NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

The incredibly cheesy exhaust stacks need to be removed asap! First off they look incredibly tacky, this should NOT be in a shrine for baseball. We do not need to be reminded of New York City's poor air quality and continual pollution, and there's no need to add to it. Nor do we as New York Soccer fans want to portray that stereotype. We would like to see this team promote itself as a high-end Sports franchise, NOT a ghetto entity!

View attachment 8431 View attachment 8432

These are the opinions we ask you to keep to yourself.
NYCFC at Yankee Stadium: Changes/Upgrades Needed

The incredibly cheesy exhaust stacks need to be removed asap! First off they look incredibly tacky, this should NOT be in a shrine for baseball. We do not need to be reminded of New York City's poor air quality and continual pollution, and there's no need to add to it. Nor do we as New York Soccer fans want to portray that stereotype. We would like to see this team promote itself as a high-end Sports franchise, NOT a ghetto entity!

View attachment 8431 View attachment 8432

OK so:
1) Breathe
2) NYC actually has pretty great air quality for such a large urban area (smell of garbage aside)
3) Those aren't just "exhaust stacks." They're specifically steam stacks which are deeply ingrained in NYC's image. Steam is not a pollutant. Please don't make me explain why.
4) Breathe again

Edit: So um, only Manhattan has steam service (and thus steam stacks) so what exactly about Manhattan is "ghetto?" Also, please don't use "ghetto." It just sounds childish and offensive.
Are you referring to this plastic fake Pigeon that is duck taped to the NYCFC goal net pole?

View attachment 8433
High art to me

im gonna figure how to embed this clip better if it kills me
ugh it beat me, i can't do it
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3) Those aren't just "exhaust stacks." They're specifically steam stacks which are deeply ingrained in NYC's image.

To be fair, I have heard that the steam system is woefully inefficient, so... kinda sorta maybe?

And come to think of it, does that mean that the Islanders are insulting us all with the Honda, since the only major air pollutant that New York City doesn't meet federal Clean Air Act standards for is ozone?