World Cup 2026

I don't see how they would drop any of the cities listed, save for Orlando, for Miami.

The last part where I said I would drop, is really my personal preference, and not what I think will happen. I'd much rather go watch a game in Nashville or Denver than Miami.

I think you’re underestimating how “sexy” Europeans view Miami compared to Nashville and Denver. And Kansas City.
Ticket demand is going to be insane I would expect.

These are the proposed ticketing prices.

With the Team (North) America a good bet to get the bid, I have started an investment account on Betterment entitled: World Cup 2026: Road to Affordability.

  • Goal: $3000
  • Current Balance: $0
  • Period of Time: 9 years
  • Allocation: 62% Stocks / 38% Bonds
  • Monthly Autodeposit: $21.82
I just picked $3000 out of the air to get started. I guess I have nine years to budget the exact amount.

Great idea.

I’m trying to set up a Betterment account right now on my laptop and I’m finding the sign up process to be incredibly difficult.

Example: I’m clicking on the Select This Goal button and nothing happens when I do. Maybe their doing site maintenance?

Did you have any problems setting yours up?
Set up the Betterment account
With the Team (North) America a good bet to get the bid, I have started an investment account on Betterment entitled: World Cup 2026: Road to Affordability.

  • Goal: $3000
  • Current Balance: $0
  • Period of Time: 9 years
  • Allocation: 62% Stocks / 38% Bonds
  • Monthly Autodeposit: $21.82
I just picked $3000 out of the air to get started. I guess I have nine years to budget the exact amount.

I set up my Betterment account a few days ago.

I set my “Major Purchase” target for $4,000 (I have 2 sons and I want to take both of them to a USMNT match and an Italy match). I could get lucky and one of those teams plays a group stage match in Miami.

I made a small mistake though by setting it up for “8 years” because WC 2026 costs will occur before 8 years.

I’m sure I can adjust that.

Anyway, $18 per pay period (bi-weekly) should get me to around $4K for WC 2026.

Thanks for the great idea!
10 months in and I’ve got $424.35 in my Betterment account for World Cup 2026.

All thanks to Mr. david_villa.

My goal at set up was $4K so we are tracking nicely.

The best part is I do nothing and don’t even notice the $18 that gets deducted from my account every 2 weeks.

so i read sofi stadium cant host the final or any games, unless they do some renovations.....because the field too small ( similar to vegas i guess). does rose bowl get the final? i feel like FIFA wants something more "modern" instead.